All posts filed under: Life Advice

5 Skills You Should Consider Adding To Your Resume

As history demonstrates, the working force is constantly changing. Given the technology of our current age, there are a few skills you should strongly consider adding to your resume.

15 Things To Do to Get Out of Your Quarter Life Crisis!

Originally posted on elleyro:
A quarter life crisis is when a 20-something year old realises that they have literally no idea what they are going to do for the rest of their lives. It turns out no one cares about your degree, and unless you have 30-years of work experience, or are willing / available to work for free, you kind of freeze. So here are 15 practical things to do to get out of your quarter life crisis, from someone currently going through their own. ? ? Don’t hide what’s going on You’ll be surprised with who you are going to connect with, and who is going on the same journey. Simply by talking about it, joking about it, you won’t feel as alone, and you might even be able to support each other (read: they get you a job). Don’t be afraid to ask for help Whether it is asking your friends to drop your name in to their boss, calling your mum for words of advice, or getting drunk with your housemates, no one got anywhere…

Looking for a Teammate, Not a Cuddle Buddy

I made the mistake of trying out Yik Yak a little while back. It was pointless, but there were a few hilarious posts that I will never forget. There was also one that has resonated with me since I read it. A random post from a girl that read: “I feel like I really just want a boyfriend right now.”

A Letter to My 20-Year-Old Self

Originally posted on Am I Thirty Yet:
So tomorrow is the big day! The day this entire blog was written about. I turn 30! Turning 30 has made me think a lot about what it was like when I was turning 20 and saying goodbye to my teens. I didn’t handle it very well. There were panic attacks and I actually wet the bed the night of my birthday. (This is a true story and maybe I’ll tell you lucky people about it in another post.) For now, let’s go back to poor, little 20-year-old Liz. She was not excited about leaving her teens behind her and entering her twenties. Current Liz still isn’t 100% sure on what she wants with her life and the direction it is going to take. But 20-year-old Liz might as well have been on another planet. She didn’t even know what hairstyle worked best for her face or how to put on eyeliner. She was a lost soul who needed a lot of guidance. Now being a wise, almost 30-year-old (that…

The “Supposed To” Myth

As a 20-something with a Facebook timeline filled with posts of other 20-somethings and older, it isn’t uncommon for me to see posts that link to articles about young adulthood. The articles usually discuss ways that you are supposed to/how to get your life together. Recently, I’ve seen an influx of articles that combat this argument by stating that you are “supposed to be lost and/or not have everything figured out when you’re in your 20s.” So I decided to write an article to clear up this debate. Here it is:

Being Threatened by Jesus

Originally posted on The Millennial Pastor:
Luke 13:31-35 King Herod was not a well liked King. He was a puppet King for the Romans… who probably didn’t really care about who was King over the backwater province of the empire, Judea. The people of Israel didn’t care for Herod, knowing that he was all about power. But like most people in power, Herod made the right allegiances. With Rome and with the religious authorities. So when the Pharisees come to Jesus with a Message, he knows they too are puppet authorities, doing the puppet King’s dirty work in order to hold on to their own power and privilege. Today, on the second Sunday of Lent we continue with Jesus who can’t help but be confronted by people who think they have power. Last week it was the Devil tempting Jesus to misuse the power of incarnation, the power that comes along with being God, and being God in flesh. The Devil’s temptations set the stage for the recurring theme that Luke’s gospel holds up for…