All posts filed under: Definition

Flexible Philanthropy Fund

Originally posted on Generation Y Retirement Account:
Philanthropy. Long word. Kind of funny sounding. Incredibly profound effects. So what exactly is philanthropy?  According to “altruistic concern for human welfare and advancement, usually manifested by donations of money, property, or work to needy persons, by endowment of institutions of learning and hospitals, and by generosity to other socially useful purposes.” In other words: the dollars you donated to the local animal shelter, those moments you volunteered in your child’s classroom, that 5K you ran down Greek row to raise awareness for CARDV, or the times you spent serving hot meals at The Salvation Army…those are all acts of philanthropy. I condone philanthropy on a regular basis & maintain practicing acts of philanthropy as often as I can – but it is especially prevalent around the holidays. During the winter when the weather gets colder, warm thoughts & kind actions towards others from all walks of life are especially important. I know that you often hear a designated percentage of your budget should be allocated towards philanthropy &…

Who are Millennials?

I frequently hear the label “millennial” used to describe people of various ages. However, I’m not so sure that the label is being used accurately. Many don’t care for the title due to the negative connotation older generations tend to apply to it. My question is, are they merely using it to describe someone with a lack of ambition and/or someone who makes foolish statements OR are they actually using it to point out someone in the generation. Together, we will attempt to figure out if you are a millennial. Below are five sources that were used to find an accurate definition. 1. The Atlantic did a bit of investigating and found four things: The Census Bureau only defines baby boomers (1946-1964) “History isn’t always so punctuated.” – Tom DiPrete, Sociology Professor at Columbia U It is difficult to identify generations outside of baby boomers Millennials, according to Strauss and Howe, range from 1982-2004 2.  The UN clarifies the time frame for generations: Traditionalists (1925-1945) Baby Boomers (1946-1964) Generation X (1965-1980) Millennials (1981-2000) 3. Merriam-Webster states that …