All posts filed under: college

Graduation Caps On Fleek

Originally posted on Cookies + Sangria:
When we graduated high school 12 years (!!!!) ago, we didn’t have the option – or maybe didn’t even know there was the option – to decorate the tops of our caps. By college, I think the trend was still out there, but people at my school didn’t delve into their arts & crafts side, despite being an arts school. But now that it’s graduation season again, I am constantly seeing more and more elaborately decorated caps that are more exciting than any commencement I’ve ever attended. And of course, there’s a good chunk out there that were inspired by pop culture, so here are some of the best from the Class of 2016 and their graduation caps on fleek*. *I’m too old to be saying that they’re not “on fleek” I take that back. Where is the lie? Queen B for those Queens, B. And of course the wise words of Michael Scott… Some call it the…

How I Got Through College Without a Laptop

Originally posted on Maggie Grace:
? My laptop broke halfway through my junior year. It was slow at first, a little bit of flickering on the screen as the computer struggled to breathe. But after a few weeks the laptop couldn’t be on for more than a few minutes without the screen going black. The very intimidating and unhelpful IT desk at my college tole me that I should only expect PCs to last a few years anyways and that it was time to get a new one. Due to my tremendous fear of spending money, I said absolutely not, because it was just the screen that was broken not the computer itself. I borrowed a monitor from a weird computer science major and set up an elaborate desktop arrangement in my dorm room. The Internet situation in my dorm room was less than ideal. This situation, exacerbated by my lack of a smart phone, meant that I was finishing college without any portable technology. Luckily, my college (and most colleges) provide both PCs and…

The College Years: Navigating Frat Parties, Relationships, and Studies

Originally posted on Nina Navigating Life :
“College will be the best four years of your life.” – Everyone Not to sound like everyone else, but college actually was the best four years of my life. High school was absolutely awful for me, as I’m sure many of you can relate to. I didn’t have that many friends, and the friends I did have were the root of many tears, drama, and anxiety. So when I moved into my freshman year dorm with my roommate and two suitemates who had no idea who I was, I was overjoyed. For some reason, the thought of not knowing anyone was actually comforting to me. Sure, it was scary at times, but I was so excited to have a clean slate. I always say that my freshman year was the most fun year of my life, but I would never want to do it again. And I can explain that statement to you in two words: FRAT PARTIES. Okay, that’s a bit of an exaggeration. There were plenty of other fun things about that year,…

I Regret Getting My MBA

Originally posted on One Millennial Girl:
My intentions are not to make you think that I’m not proud of achieving the accomplishment of obtaining a master’s degree, the process comes with the good as well as the bad. I want to share my experiences and a few of the situations I faced during and after my time in the MBA program. The good – is the feeling of walking across the stage, knowing that you’ve made it through some of the toughest courses, the pats on the back from family and friends, and the possibility of a stable career. The bad – comes when you complete your M.B.A. while you’re unemployed, with no way of paying back your student loans. This is where my regret comes in. I went into the M.B.A. program a year after getting my bachelor’s degree. I wanted to continue the learning process while I still had a student mindset and I figured it would help me stay competitive in the job market. At that time, I didn’t really know what…

The Tall Tales of a College Education

Originally posted on julz speaks:
For better or worse, I am a millennial – one of the millions born between 1980 and the early 2000s. Having been raised by two hard-working baby boomers, I always knew that if I worked hard enough, I would go to college. My parents are from a generation where hard work paid off and college degrees lead to better jobs with higher salaries. They are part of a proud generation who wants more for their children than they ever had. Commendable goals indeed. So, to college I went. I spent the next 6 years (4 years for my bachelors and 2 years for my doctorate) in this strange world – a reality seemingly untouched by actual reality. “Work hard,” “get good grades,” “get advice from your professors,” “network network network.” My personal favorite… “Get your degree and a great job will follow.” I heard it all and believed it all. I got good grades. I was in the honors society, active in clubs and the class representative. Come my last…

I’m Glad It Didn’t Work Out (Part 1)

Originally posted on Rosie Culture:
It took a lot for me to trust again after my first relationship. And then all the things that happened between that break up and you. All the ways I tried to get over heart break left me with zero trust. I couldn’t put a label on anything. Swore up and down I didn’t want a relationship in college. Especially not another long distance one. I wanted to do the opposite of everything I had done the first two years of college. I thought maybe I was getting over that phase when I had met you. I had hurt people, kind of purposefully but kind of on accident. I didn’t want to do that to you, so I refused the label of girlfriend and told you I wouldn’t commit. It drove you crazy and it drove me crazy that it drove you crazy. We went through each other’s phones, accused each other of everything under the sun. I’d sometimes hint at wanting a relationship. But I had stolen all of…

How Not to University: First Impressions

Originally posted on Pinkjumpers' Blog:
Having survived my first semester at university, albeit somewhat haphazardly, I like to think that I  have already learned a great number of things with regards to surviving the ‘outside world’. In what I hope will become something of a ‘how-to’ series, I will share my snippets of advice  alongside my first-hand woes that naturally stem from a girl who has yet to master the art of living smoothly. A lot can rest in first impressions- it is the difference between being ‘that intelligent female  who knows a lot about 17th century literature’ and being ‘that girl who parades around with yesterday’s lasagne stuck to her face’. And never are first impressions quite so important than when you start university; when every impression is both first and nightmarishly   immortal. It’s not breaking news to reveal that a drunken slobbery kiss the night before is a terribly awkward encounter in Tesco’s the day after. But even those ‘did I really lick his face last night?’ encounters do not compare to the events…