All posts filed under: Questions

Liebster Award

We were nominated for the Liebster Award by the wonderful Erika who runs, one of my favorite blogs, The Farm on the Hill. The Liebster Award is an award for bloggers by bloggers. The goal of the award is to encourage more connection and support within the writing community, as well as assist in discovering up and coming bloggers. The award focuses on bloggers with less than 200 followers. Though we don’t quite qualify in that regard, we’re happy to participate. When someone nominates you for the Liebster Award they ask you a series of questions. Here are the questions submitted by Erika. What originally got you blogging? Like many of my peers, I realized that adulthood didn’t come with a manual. As I wanted to share what I was learning as I learned daily lessons; thus the blog was born. What do you most enjoy about blogging? I love when bloggers comment and interact. I know we all have busy days, but it’s nice when someone takes the time to share their opinion or experiences. …

Why Do Men Have to Use Urinals?! (Video Request)

Originally posted on John Lee Taggart:
Why is it that it is okay for men to pee in a pot with an audience, but not for ladies? Well, it’s certainly a pretty weird issue…but a one I was glad to delve into (eww)… What do you think? Don’t be a shy bladder – get involved with the gross debate! Oh, and if you have a video request you can leave a comment, or send me an email – if it’s a cool/interesting idea then I will get to it as soon as I can! Please buy my collection of stories! Get it in paperback here – or on Kindle here! ALL proceeds go towards Macmillan Cancer Support!