All posts filed under: dry skin


Originally posted on be beautiful.:
It may seem like a pretty straightforward concept – squirt some cleanser into your hands, scrub your face, rinse with water, and dry off. Most of us do this everyday (hopefully twice a day!) and don’t put too much thought or effort into it. But, there actually are a few face-washing mistakes that many of us do every time we begin our skin care routine. Keep reading to find out if you’re guilty of any! Mistake #1: Your hands are dirty. It may seem silly, but before you wash your face, you NEED to wash your hands. In fact, you shouldn’t even think about touching your face without freshly-cleansed hands ever. It’s so important to expose your face to as little bacteria as possible, and we all know how nasty our hands can be. Mistake #2: The water is too hot.  Since cooler weather is quickly approaching, it’s very tempting to use hot water when washing your face. Truth is, hot water washes away skin’s protective oils, leaving it dry, tight,…