All posts tagged: Health and Fitness

Stop Being Mad At Yourself

Originally posted on Rosie Culture:
I haven’t been able to get myself to the gym more than once a week lately and I always feel guilty about it. But there are times when you want to go to the gym and you’re too lazy and then there are times you just don’t want to go. And I just don’t feel up to going. And some days I eat a lot more than I should or eat things that really aren’t good for me. And I feel bad about myself even though I was just listening to what my body wants. I just want to stop being mad at myself about these things. Being mad at yourself isn’t going to change anything, it’s just going to motivate you less. It will just lower your self-esteem until you can’t even get out of bed or until you’re loading your plate with junk food. Didn’t meditate today? It’s okay. Didn’t go to the gym today, yesterday, or the day before that? It’s okay. Ate a whole pizza today?…

I. Am. A. Runner.

HilaryStyle Earlier this month I completed my 500th class at the studio where I workout! I’m pretty proud of myself! Here’s the thing, 5 years ago, this month, when I started working out, I wasn’t really sure how long it would last. Let’s be honest, I wasn’t sure I would make it a week. However, I had recently returned from a trip to New Orleans, and from the way my jeans were feeling, I might have eaten one too many beignets. Rather than complain about it, I was taking action! I would be a runner. I borrowed an old pair of Nikes, buckled Elliot into his buggy and away we went! Okay, It Wasn’t Quite That Easy… Not really grasping what it meant to “go for a run,” I threw on some old sweats, an oversized t-shirt and those borrowed Nikes and headed to the park… 3 MILES from our house!… View original post 568 more words

When To Go Hard and When Not to at the Gym

Originally posted on Cody's Barbell Club:
I get it. You want fast results and the only way to do that is to train hard and workout hard. And you know what? I agree 100%. There’s no doubt hard work needs to happen to build muscle, get lean, become more athletic, and get in the shape you want. But, you know what’s also true? Training smart. Meaning: adapting your workout to the way your body feels based on sleep, stress, energy levels, injury status (if any), and life in general. Let’s be realistic guys. Not every workout you have will be your absolute best or your hardest. Why? Because getting into better shape isn’t linear and your workouts aren’t either. It may seem that way in the beginning, but eventually your results will start to level off like an exponential curve and you’ll have to get smart and creative by testing your body in new ways, like lifting heavier weights or adding new variations and exercises, and making recovery a point of emphasis, to get into better shape and health. Not only that,…

That Monster Called Anxiety

Originally posted on The Scribble Bug:
Anxiety. It’s a funny word. Weirdly exciting to say out loud. Kind of daring as the consonantal start cuts off in your throat. Puzzling as the middle, when spoken, is nothing like what it seems on paper. And ending on a high, like a false smile, with that pretty little ‘tee’ sound more commonly associated with small and lovely things. It’s a less funny condition. Apparently more and more people – of all ages though especially mine – seem to experience it every year. Because whilst stress is something everyone goes through from time to time – the millstone of tension, uncertainty, worry and fear can sometimes hang heavier than usual and last what seems like forever. Anxiety malingers around you, clasps like a vice around your skull, squeezes your insides like someone vacuum-sucked your abdomen. It feels like you’re stuck perpetually living in that ‘oh shit’ moment – the one when your car is skidding on ice, you’re no longer in control, but you don’t know if you’re…

Big Booty Judys and Stretch Marks

I think the best compliments are the ones you get when you least expect it. You know, like on those days when you barely made it out the door, your once beautifully blown out hair is now beyond frizzy…again, and you still haven’t decided if your shoes match. Those are the days when you least expect anyone to say something nice about you. Well, not too long ago, I was having one of those days and I just so happened to cross paths with a friend of mine. Of course, she didn’t realize that I wasn’t feeling so hot that day, so she spoke up and said, “Girl, you have the best body out of anyone I know.” (I’ll skip all of the other embellishment because I would hate for you to think that this post is supposed to be all about me…) Anyway, in this moment, I realized how the smallest things can sometimes make us feel the most insecure. We are a part of a generation that is constantly being told that our shape, …

I Love My Fat Body

Originally posted on This Thing I Do:
This is my body. This is my body after it climbed a steep hill. This is my body after it climbed a steep hill halfway across the world in Czech wine country. This body is fat. I love this fat body. It was mine the first time I kissed a boy. It was mine the first time I performed on stage. It was mine when I graduated high school and then college. During every volleyball game, track meet, softball tournament. When I wrestled my brothers and won. When I wrestled them and lost. Every car ride to nowhere and abandoned trampolines during summertime with my friends- this fat body has always been mine. I love this fat body. I’ve grown up in this fat body. I’ve seen heartbreak and loss in this body. I haven’t always shown this body how much I loved it, but it has always forgiven me. This body breeds confidence. This body begs me to be bold. This body demands success and unadulterated tenacity.…