All posts filed under: backpacking

My Backpacking Australia Checklist

Originally posted on Greasepaint & Good Times:
With my trip to Australia being next week (!) I thought it was time to sort out my own backpacking checklist, so I can share it with all of you. As this is my first time backpacking (sort of) I’m as new to this as you may be, and want to share the tips I’ve learnt so far in my travelling journey with you guys. If you are an avid backpacker and travel more than me, please let me know if you have any tips or anything you could add to my checklist. This checklist isn’t going to be a full list of what i’m taking, as you can probably sort out what clothes you’re taking yourself, but it lists the essentials and/or things that I think will be helpful that other people may or may not have thought about. Packing cubes. I am a big fan of “Backpacking Bananas”. She started off like us, with a WordPress blog, and moved onto YouTube to put everyone’s minds to rest about what…