All posts tagged: Work

Tested Tricks on Tackling Writer’s Block

Asha Seth Whether writer’s block is real or not – totally depends on what you believe. Here was the article that debated what a writer thinks about writer’s block and it gained much popularity amongst readers back in December last year. I believe, that there are such stretches of time when you strive to scribe. Motivation plays a paltry role. It feels as though the pool of imagination inside you has dried out and you are merely scraping the bottom to no fruition. That may or may not be writer’s block or call it by any name you fancy, the fact remains that when the storm comes, we need not give in or seek escape. Tonight, thus, we talk of possible effective ways of tackling writer’s block. In my journey so far, I have always learnt new things and have gladly shared them with the writing fraternity through my blogs. But as… View original post 871 more words

Should Companies Have Counseling Services For Their Employees?

What do YOU think? Should you have someone to turn to when shit hits the fan? Or are you afraid of approaching anyone at your workplace for fear of misplacing your trust and jeopardising your career?   These questions have been on my mind for a long time, swirling and whirling in my mind ever since I re-joined the rat race in the corporate world. While it isn’t my first job, nor will it be my last, I still feel a little disconnected. I have been facing some work-based difficulties at the office. I find it hard to gel with my coworkers. I find it hard to deliver deadlines. I have fallen behind in my tasks. I have lost precious sleep thinking constantly about the impending training demonstration that I’m supposed to deliver. I have even refused to keep my manager updated on my work progress for fear of disappointing her. I keep to myself most of the time at the office, only opening myself up to one or two colleagues whom I can bring …

The Millennial Struggle

Originally posted on One Millennial Girl:
Life as a millennial may seem easy, but it definitely it has it’s fair share of tough moments. Over the past few weeks I have been trying to figure out which path I need to take in order to get where I ultimately want to go in life. It is the millennial struggle, well – one of them. Right now I’m sitting in my room feeling slightly anxious about writing this post. I’ve been thinking around this issue attempting to avoid confronting my thoughts and trying not to become overwhelmed. I was thinking that instead of using my blog to talk about things after the fact, I figured why not write while I’m in my feelings. That whole Gary (Vee) Vaynerchuk – document vs. create thing, which is basically about showcasing/documenting the journey. Here we go: I have 3 different passions in life – fashion styling, interior design, and writing. I also have a full-time salaried job where I’ve just received a raise and I’ve decided to take…

Goals, Passions, and Success: An Interview with My Grandmother

Originally posted on teenmusing:
Praxis personal development project day 3: interview one of your friends. I believe the intention here was to interview another high school student, but I interviewed my grandmother. A) because we are friends and B) she was the most convenient choice at 11:20pm. I asked her about her goals, study habits, passions, and philosophy of success, and then compared them to my own. Karen’s answers: Goals: “Do at least one thing a day from a list. That’s a goal just to trim down my expectations of myself.” Study Habits/Research: “If it’s something that I have to do that I’m not really passionate about I tend to procrastinate. I will get it done, and usually do a good job but it’s last minute. If it’s something that I’m really interested in or something that intrigues me, then I will really dive into things. So maybe not obsessive, I’m just interested so I’ll read a lot and really enjoy what I’m learning.” Passions: “Teaching. I enjoy teaching- kind of in various settings. Children…

Battle of the Sexes: Male Managers vs. Female Managers

On our way home from lunch earlier today, I was telling my husband about my new job and then I realised that in all my past and current employments (I have been working for about 3 years now), the only managers I’ve reported to, served under, and worked with have all been females. Don’t get me wrong; I don’t have a beef with reporting to a female manager but I’ve never reported to and worked for a male manager, hence I have no idea what it feels like (though I get some friends telling me that working for a male manager doesn’t necessarily mean it’s better either!). But I know exactly what it feels like to work for a female manager. Women are women, and they have their follies. Some would be menopausal and cry at the tiniest bit of dissent. Some will rule you like an iron lady. Some prefer male managers because they are less emotional and more rational, while others prefer to work for female managers because they are more compassionate and understanding. Females Over Males According …

The Pros and Cons of Event Work

Last week I worked 12 hours as a bar staff worker for a festival in North London. I got the job through an events agency, which typically post events throughout the year (mostly in Summer) that you can sign up and work. You get paid minimum wage, work long hours on your feet, have to deal with difficult and often irate drunk people and if you’re lucky you’ll get two fifteen minute breaks. But on the plus side, you will make around £80-90, you will make friends, you will gain experience and you’ll be forced to be physically active. If you want to make a bit of extra cash or your employment history is noticeably blank and you’re willing to try anything, here is my list of pros and cons to consider before you attempt this line of work.

5 Skills You Should Consider Adding To Your Resume

As history demonstrates, the working force is constantly changing. Given the technology of our current age, there are a few skills you should strongly consider adding to your resume.

Five Months of Being a Librarian

Originally posted on Am I Thirty Yet:
Yesterday I celebrated my graduation. I technically graduated way back in December of 2015, which feels like ages ago, but the ceremony was yesterday. Since I skipped my graduation for my Bachelor’s, I decided to attend this one. It was mostly a bunch of nonsense. People are still spewing those same you-can-do-it speeches that we all know are bullshit. But I am still glad that I went. It was nice to see all my old classmates and to celebrate one last time one of the best decisions I ever made. It took me awhile to decide to go back to school. I wasn’t anywhere close to paying off my student loans and the thought of adding on even more debt, made me want to puke. But I knew I wasn’t happy with my current job and needed a change. Books and libraries always fascinated me. Somehow I just knew it was a career I would love. So after doing some research, I took the plunge and went back to…

How to be a Productive Millennial

Originally posted on brave turquoise:
Entire seasons of TV shows being available on Netflix make it easier than ever to waste an entire Saturday. Checking e-mail and watching all of your friends’ Snapchat posts provide hours of entertainment. Boozy brunches and day parties can instantly ruin an entire weekend that was supposed to be dedicated to productivity. So how can you be a productive 20- to 30-something in today’s world? I am the queen of doing-too-much but I get THE most done throughout the week. At school I am president of the Black Graduate Student Association, planned a 50-person weekend ski trip this year, am involved in the Toastmasters public speaking group, travel to conferences for fun and for school, travel to visit family, and develop and teach coding camps to high school girls all while be productive on school work. My secret? Being organized. Google Calendar is my BFF. SHORT TERM: At the beginning of each day, I write on a sticky note (or sometimes am lazy/can’t find one and write in Notepad) the…

What to Wear to an Interview: A Fashion Guide

Like many others, you may be fresh out of college wanting to show off your skills and personality to a prospective company, but have your elders in your ear telling you how to dress the part even though it’s completely outdated. You may also have several years of experience in a particular field and are looking to make a career change, but haven’t touched up on what is appropriate to wear to that interview. It’s no secret the times have changed and in large part, thanks to our generation. We are bold, fearless, and determined. Some may categorize our efforts as lazy or unprofessional, mainly in the way we dress or carry ourselves, but we see our clothes and style telling a different story. Just decades ago jeans were more common for a relaxing Saturday morning or a night out at the local country club. Today they are found in many workplaces due to the comfort, diverse style changes, and revised fashion trends. That being said, our generation is making its way through the professional …