All posts filed under: fear

Exit: Stage Fright.

This topic is old news to me, considering how many times I have been called up for a presentation and when I go to give the presentation I clam up. I know I will never be able to avoid or run away from presentations, but it’s still one of my biggest fears. As big as my cockroach phobia and the idea of paranormal beings. If you have ever felt your heart beating so loud like a big bass drum, your brain and mouth suddenly going AWOL, and what feels like butterflies fluttering around in your stomach, then this is probably a typical scenario for you when it comes to presentations. Yours truly isn’t a fan of presentations. I abhor them. I detest them. I dislike them. I hate them. The idea of doing anything in front of an audience is not attractive to me. I suppose you could say that I’ve never been trained nor taught the proper way of stage performance. Not even when I used to play the piano. At the end of each …

Why I Want to Stop Fearing the “offensive” Topics

Originally posted on teenmusing:
Hullo, peoples! (Perhaps today should be a British day. It is quite rainy.) Today’s topic is one I’ve been mulling over for quite a while now, and I’d love to know your opinions on it. Everybody fears things. Fear is an emotion that aims to STOP! us. Being frightened can stop us from doing something hurtful to ourselves or others. Fear can hold us back as well. If we’re so afraid of the risk that we can’t see the good that will come out of it, then fear is detrimental. Sometimes there will be negative consequences, and we have to be prepared for those. But you can’t have a fulfilling life while you’re hiding behind the safety rails. There are rational and irrational fears, and fears that fall somewhere in between. I have all of them, but I can’t let the irrational ones control me. I want to be honest on this blog. In real life, I am very much a chameleon; “who I am” changes with my surroundings. Perhaps that’s not…

Breakin’ Up Is Easy To Do

There are a lot of bad relationships that currently exist. There are some that aren’t “bad,” but they have no desire to remain in the relationship. Easy solution, right? Just break up. Most will agree that it is easier said than done. Here are a few tips that may help you get through it.


Originally Posted on Young&Twenty:  Sometimes we’re scared of hugging; in fear of them holding too tight. Sometimes we’re scared to pick someone up; in fear of them pulling us down. Sometimes we’re scared to save someone’s life; in fear we’ll forfeit our own, and sometimes we’re scared to share the lessons we learned; in fear of retracting our path. That’s why, too often, the people who have seen the dark, choose to leave their problems there. But here’s to the ones who brush off mud like it’s sand. The ones who refuse to leave their story of survival in the dark. The ones who refuse to let their tragedy, stop them from telling their tale. Read more…

Fear NOT! No Really. Being Afraid is Getting Old.

I recently began and wrapped a short film. During the pre-production phase there were a couple of fears that a few individuals possessed. 1. Fear that jobs were not being completed. 2. Fear that things would go wrong during production. These fears were not helpful in any way, shape or form. Having no trust in your teammates can diminish their confidence. Especially when they have the same concerns.  Solution: Trust your teammates and hold them accountable. Obviously you should use your common sense. If you realize someone isn’t getting the job done, talk to him/her. Consider assigning them a partner, but start with trust. You never know, they might surprise you. Or they might not. (Sorry, I like to remain realistic). Remember, work TOGETHER not with each other. There’s a difference. As far as dealing with fears of production mishaps, you just have to let that fear go. It’s that simple. Why? MISHAPS ARE BOUND TO HAPPEN, no matter how professional the project.  Solution: Plan ahead to prevent major problems. Do not pre-stress over the possibility …