All posts filed under: VT

A Summer Wedding in Vermont

Originally posted on Sadie's Been There:
Newport, VT Last weekend I visited West Charleston, VT for the wedding of a childhood friend. Until last week the only weddings I’d been part of were those of my parents’ friends and aunts and uncles. Now, quite suddenly, weddings within my cohort are taking my schedule by storm. This Vermont wedding was the first of four I’ll attend this summer alone, and everyone getting married in these weddings is within my age-range. I have been both honored and anxious to be included in everyone’s celebrations. It’s admittedly been a little challenging going from zero to sixty, and to transition from never having glimpsed a wedding registry to navigating the world of shower and wedding gifts, weekender travel details, and resisting over-committing. What I will say is that this wedding in Charleston was an incredible experience to kick start many years to come of wedding festivities. Vermont is gorgeous year-round, but the beautiful blue skies in combination with the intense green of the leaves and the clear mountain air provided an excellent little window into Charleston…