All posts filed under: Quarter Life

I Don’t Want a Boyfriend: And Other Things I Shouldn’t Have to Explain

I’m in my early twenties, fairly fresh out of college, and in the early stages of my career. Those alone are great reasons to not want a boyfriend. I have a 60 hour a week job, a side hustle, and various side projects. Relationships can be a part time job. Do I sound like I need another job? Right now, why would I want a boyfriend? Most of the men I’ve met, that are in my age range still behave like teenage boys. I’m a grown woman with an “old soul.” If that’s what I have to choose from… I don’t want a boyfriend. I’m not a lesbian. I’m not asexual. I haven’t sworn off of men. However, at the moment, I do not want a boyfriend. ________________________ Aren’t you worried about when you’ll get married or have kids? No, I’m in my early twenties, not approaching menopause. What about other things, like buying a house? Why doesn’t your generation buy homes? It’s not from lack of desire. It’s from lack of money. You see, the way …

15 Things To Do to Get Out of Your Quarter Life Crisis!

Originally posted on elleyro:
A quarter life crisis is when a 20-something year old realises that they have literally no idea what they are going to do for the rest of their lives. It turns out no one cares about your degree, and unless you have 30-years of work experience, or are willing / available to work for free, you kind of freeze. So here are 15 practical things to do to get out of your quarter life crisis, from someone currently going through their own. ? ? Don’t hide what’s going on You’ll be surprised with who you are going to connect with, and who is going on the same journey. Simply by talking about it, joking about it, you won’t feel as alone, and you might even be able to support each other (read: they get you a job). Don’t be afraid to ask for help Whether it is asking your friends to drop your name in to their boss, calling your mum for words of advice, or getting drunk with your housemates, no one got anywhere…

Thursday nights, Paydays and Boobsweat

Originally posted on This, That and the Other Thang:
The older I get, the more I’ve come to the conclusion that things are a bit (okay, a lot. Things are A LOT different) than they were 10, even 5 years ago. I may still look like I’m pre-pubescent, and I will probably forever and always get carded for that PBR, but this whole adulting thang has changed the way I do, think and feel about certain things, things that 10, even 5 years ago had a mostly positive connotation to them whereas now, they just emulate a feeling of panic and overwhelming boobsweat. Here are just 24 things (words, actions and ideas) that can mean something totally different now that you’re full-on adulting. Payday Used to mean: Every other Friday, you’re gonna make it rainnnn in this club (or mall, or GameStop, whatever floats your pubescent boat). You worked hard after school and on weekends! You deserve it! Now means: The day when rent is due and you need to pay your bills, and maybe if you have any money left…

Leaving Goggles

I’m leaving my job. That’s right folks; after over a year and a half of working full time in my kooky little call center, I am leaving to travel and follow my dreams of being paid to write. It’s exciting, it’s terrifying and there is a very real chance I will end up extremely poor and never be able to move out of my parents flat. It’s even more of a daunting prospect because this is the only thing I have done since graduating. I literally left university on the last day of June two years ago and started working here on the first day of July. I didn’t take a break or a summer off, this is literally all I know of the adult world. I always planned to leave; in fact I had no idea I would be here this long. The plan was to save enough money to go traveling before settling down into ‘adult’ life. Initially I naively thought that would take about six months. I kept postponing leaving partly because I didn’t have enough money to …

A Letter to My 20-Year-Old Self

Originally posted on Am I Thirty Yet:
So tomorrow is the big day! The day this entire blog was written about. I turn 30! Turning 30 has made me think a lot about what it was like when I was turning 20 and saying goodbye to my teens. I didn’t handle it very well. There were panic attacks and I actually wet the bed the night of my birthday. (This is a true story and maybe I’ll tell you lucky people about it in another post.) For now, let’s go back to poor, little 20-year-old Liz. She was not excited about leaving her teens behind her and entering her twenties. Current Liz still isn’t 100% sure on what she wants with her life and the direction it is going to take. But 20-year-old Liz might as well have been on another planet. She didn’t even know what hairstyle worked best for her face or how to put on eyeliner. She was a lost soul who needed a lot of guidance. Now being a wise, almost 30-year-old (that…

The “Supposed To” Myth

As a 20-something with a Facebook timeline filled with posts of other 20-somethings and older, it isn’t uncommon for me to see posts that link to articles about young adulthood. The articles usually discuss ways that you are supposed to/how to get your life together. Recently, I’ve seen an influx of articles that combat this argument by stating that you are “supposed to be lost and/or not have everything figured out when you’re in your 20s.” So I decided to write an article to clear up this debate. Here it is:

Playing House: What Toys Taught Me That School Should Have

I sat at the bottom of the staircase as my brother finished making his sandwich in the kitchen. “I didn’t really know how to hold him. I kind of held him like a football, haha.” “I’ve actually known how to hold a baby since I was…about four. By the age of six I knew how to swaddle a baby, change a diaper, and feed/burp them.” “What’s a swaddle?”