All posts filed under: Employment

Different Types of Annoying Male Co-workers

We’ve been working for at least five years now. There are so many personalities we’ve encountered. Although we live across the country from one another, it seems like we have a lot of similar co-worker experiences. So we’ve compiled a list with a few warnings attached. The general list was posted a few weeks back. We decided to add a few more to the list, and to add some helpful descriptions.

Leaving Goggles

I’m leaving my job. That’s right folks; after over a year and a half of working full time in my kooky little call center, I am leaving to travel and follow my dreams of being paid to write. It’s exciting, it’s terrifying and there is a very real chance I will end up extremely poor and never be able to move out of my parents flat. It’s even more of a daunting prospect because this is the only thing I have done since graduating. I literally left university on the last day of June two years ago and started working here on the first day of July. I didn’t take a break or a summer off, this is literally all I know of the adult world. I always planned to leave; in fact I had no idea I would be here this long. The plan was to save enough money to go traveling before settling down into ‘adult’ life. Initially I naively thought that would take about six months. I kept postponing leaving partly because I didn’t have enough money to …

Survival of the Fittest.

Originally posted on SHEU QUEN | THE RACONTEUR:
Image designed by Creator & Curator via As many Malaysians would have known by now, times have soured and the economy is changing. The current situation of our ringgit has been deteriorating for many months now, the latest currency status puts US$1 against RM4.38. And that, my friends, is not a pretty sight. The economic situation is also changing, sadly, not for the better. Property prices have increased. Car prices have increased. Our local toll prices have increased too. The only thing that isn’t increasing are our salaries. Oil prices have dropped and are still dropping. Financial institutions are reducing their costs and have dropped many of their loyal employees too. Heck, I believe that any company or business who have plans on “reducing their liabilities by slashing their assets,” will do just that. Termination. Retrenchment. Firing. Anything but hiring. Like yours truly, who is now sitting at home in front of her laptop and typing this out to you. But hey, the world isn’t ending just…