All posts filed under: adulting

How To Find Blogging Inspiration

Originally posted on New Lune:
A single thread of hope is still a very powerful thing. Hey Loves! One of the things I struggle the most when it comes to blogging is finding the inspiration, I know what to write but sometimes I’m not inspired to write anything and I just have a writer’s block. I’m pretty sure I’m not the only one who goes through this stage and here are some things I do to spark my creative flow! Salut tout le monde!?L’une des choses que je lutte le plus quand il s’agit de bloguer est de trouver l’inspiration, je sais ce qu’il faut écrire mais parfois je ne suis pas inspiré pour écrire quoi que ce soit et j’ai juste un bloc d’écrivain. Je suis sûr que je ne suis pas la seule à passer par cette étape et voici quelques choses que je fais pour stimuler mon flux créatif! ? ✘ Pinterest Pinterest is becoming one of my favourite social media platforms, I always get inspired when I see the pictures on…

10 Highly Recommended 2018 Conferences for Young Entrepreneurs

There are many events geared towards entrepreneurs that take place every year. Here are a few that will allow you to network, make friends, and learn something in your fields of interest in one setting. Cost: $250 | New York, Dubai, Los Angeles (Begins in February) SIMPLY Stylist strives to connect fashion, beauty, and entrepreneurial mavens brands and create opportunities to network, inspire, and learn. Ten percent of their proceeds are sent to Love Is Louder. Get 30% off through Redbury. __________ Cost: $200+ | Multiple Cities/Six Continents (February 26 – November) This five-day conference focuses on how social media and technology are changing business, society, and culture around the world. In the past their conferences have consisted of tips on copyright and clearance of content, conversations with influential leaders of the web, and millennials from Forbes’ Under-30 list. __________ Cost: $500-1250 | Austin, TX (March 9-17) South by Southwest features a variety of tracks that allow attendees to cater their experience to their many interests. The 24 tracks of programming include topics within the worlds of film, culture, music, and …

Swallowing Criticism With Pride

Originally posted on MiddleMe:
It is not easy to graciously accept constructive criticism. Many people struggle with receiving feedback even it’s completely accurate. For some as soon as the words critique are mentioned, their minds begin to race searching for an explanation for the seeming assault on their person. And they look for an angry reply to rationalize their actions in question. Regrettably, in the heat of such moments, you may react with anger and defensiveness or—yet worse—end up attacking the person giving you the feedback. But truth be told, you’ve got to get over it. There is value in receiving constructive criticism—it helps you identify areas of improvement and your weaknesses. Therefore being able calmly and professionally to handle it will help you in maintaining relationships and in flourishing in everything you do. To help you learn to shy away from the defensive, here are steps to help you tactfully handle the encounter with grace the next time your manager or peer offers you constructive criticism. Check Your First Reaction From the first sign…

Lessons I Learned from #BlackLivesMatters

Originally posted on Joshua Lawrence Lazard:
A Sunday morning Facebook post asked “Is Black Lives Matter still a thing?” and I immediately did an eye-roll. The technical answer is in the affirmative. They still are a thing. I still get emails from them. I also know that in many activist circles that Black Lives Matters functions as a real, almost tangible entity. But, I know that that’s not what the social media post really meant. The post was getting at the sentiment that most people are wondering or have finally stopped caring about: why haven’t we heard from Black Lives Matter the way we did before the election of Donald Trump? I read this post and proceeded to climb up the intellectual mountain from which that question was generated–for whatever reason, when I wake up sometimes my mind brings a piercing alacrity to a thought–and I realized that there was a marked shift in how I personally discussed things and in how I engaged in this subjects in and around Black Lives Matter. In fact, I…

Face to Face with New Challenges

Originally posted on MiddleMe:
From time to time, life throws you unexpected surprises and there could only be two reactions: either you cringe /whine /lament on the situation or you relish the challenge the change is going to bring. I often find myself throw at the steep curveball of new challenges where I need to adapt quickly or drown in the situation. Wallowing in misery is never an option because I find it is a waste of time to wallow in something that couldn’t be changed. However, in your hands, you might be able to veer the situation into a balance of win-win. To do that, first of all, keep your attitude in check. Facing a new challenge head on is tough enough but to burden yourself with negativity will make the task impossible. So charge towards the challenge beaming with sunshine and positivity, you may still have difficulty facing the challenge but you’ll feel so much better than letting yourself down with negativity. Hands up and ask for support for things get too tough…

Dear Kathy Griffin…

BeautyBeyondBones Being a millennial New Yorker and actor, I’d like to think I’ve got pretty thick skin. Getting rejected is par for the course in the entertainment industry. The city doesn’t do you any favors — just try battling the check out lines at Whole Foods at 3pm on a Sunday.  Heck, even the squirrels seems to have a certain undeniable hutzpah on these streets. Really, nothing quite comes as a shock to me anymore, for better or for worse. However. Earlier this week, opening up my Buzzfeed app to find Kathy Griffin’s infamous photo of her, carrying the bloodied head of a decapitated President Donald Trump…I literally stopped in my tracks. Just. No. And I have a few words. This is not okay. I don’t care how much you hate the President or his policies, that went. too far. It’s no secret that Donald Trump is one of –… View original post 594 more words

Do Yourself a Favor and Buy That Damn Plane Ticket Already

Originally posted on infinite satori:
“Travel is never a matter of money but of courage.  I spent a large part of my youth traveling the world as a hippie. And what money did I have then? None. I barely had enough to pay for my fare. But I still consider those to have been the best years of my youth.The great lessons I learned has been precisely those that my journeys had taught me.” -Paulo Coelho I know you. You look through countless of travel blogs, browse through the travel section of the bookstore, read Lonely Planet guidebooks, and National Geographic magazines. You’re in love with city maps, atlases, and globes. You get shivers down your spine when you run your fingers down the tiny blood veins on a map as if it was breathing and coming alive. And it says to you, “Buy a god damn ticket and explore me.” But you don’t, because you look out the window and you’re in the 22nd floor of a building and your sitting in your cubicle with a deadline…