All posts filed under: 30somethings

10 Highly Recommended Conferences for Young Entrepreneurs in 2016

There are many events geared towards entrepreneurs that take place throughout each year. Here are 10 events worth looking into in 2016.

Dating Shouldn’t Be This Exhausting

Originally posted on Am I Thirty Yet:
I’m tired. I’m tired of the first dates. I’m tired of the same conversations over and over again. I’m tired of making online dating profiles. I’m tired of sorting through dating profiles. I’m tired of waiting for a text back. I’m tired of trying to decode what the text means when I finally receive it. I’m tired of getting my hopes up just to be let down. I’m tired. I don’t know when dating became this exhausting. Before last year I had taken a significant break from dating. I went on a few first dates here and there but hardly ever a second one. I did date one boy for a few months but it never went anywhere. He was a great guy and we got along well. However, it was more of a friendship as I never had any physical or romantic feelings for him. For about two years, I was mostly out of the dating scene. And overall I was happy and carefree. I didn’t have much…

A Letter to My 20-Year-Old Self

Originally posted on Am I Thirty Yet:
So tomorrow is the big day! The day this entire blog was written about. I turn 30! Turning 30 has made me think a lot about what it was like when I was turning 20 and saying goodbye to my teens. I didn’t handle it very well. There were panic attacks and I actually wet the bed the night of my birthday. (This is a true story and maybe I’ll tell you lucky people about it in another post.) For now, let’s go back to poor, little 20-year-old Liz. She was not excited about leaving her teens behind her and entering her twenties. Current Liz still isn’t 100% sure on what she wants with her life and the direction it is going to take. But 20-year-old Liz might as well have been on another planet. She didn’t even know what hairstyle worked best for her face or how to put on eyeliner. She was a lost soul who needed a lot of guidance. Now being a wise, almost 30-year-old (that…

Thirty Things I Learned in My Twenties

Originally posted on Am I Thirty Yet:
So it’s February. This is my birthday month! The big 3-0 is exactly 16 days away (not that I’m counting or anything). I am not as stressed out as I thought I’d be. I do get a little twitch every time I realize that I’ll no longer be in my twenties but overall I think I’m handling it pretty well. I’ve even decided to actually celebrate my birthday which I don’t always like doing. I’ll be doing a dinner with a bunch of my friends. Being almost thirty has mostly made me feel very reflective, which I guess is natural. The next series of posts will probably be a lot of me reminiscing and thinking about things that have occurred in my twenties. Today I want to talk about all the things I’ve learned in my twenties. Sure I’m not done and there are some things I’ll probably never learn. (Like folding a fitted sheet. Does anyone actually know how to do this?!?) But there are a lot of…

What is G.U.M?

G.U.M is a company geared towards bringing the millennial community together through the common love of 80s & 90s nostalgia and our never-ending battle with adulthood. From quarter life crises to unconventional career paths (YouTubing, Blogging, etc.) we aim to foster an environment of support, positive interactions, and collaborations. In a nutshell… We are the twenty-somethings and (early) thirty-somethings that realized no one prepared us for adulthood. The ones who don’t want to spend the next 40+ years sitting through a 9 to 5 job that we hate.The ones that are settling down and starting families AND the ones who are watching and are far from ready. The ones that are eager to be self employed, have money that makes itself, travel the world, be fit, and in style.The ones that are last to remember a life that wasn’t tech heavy and first to grow up with ever-evolving technology. The ones who strive to figure out the secret to work-life-balance and “having our shit together.” We are the ones that hate the negative connotation older generations associate …

Join the Team

Think you would make a great addition to the G.U.M Team? Below is a list of the positions we’re looking to fill. Fill out the form below or email us at Media Relations & Publicity Director Communications Director Website Administrators Sales & Merchandise Manager Staff Writers Click here to find out more detail on each one.  

My 20 Year Diary | Alana Hitchell

My name is Alana, and I’ve been writing in a diary for as long as I can remember.  I started in 1993 when I was eight years old and kept writing up until I was 28 in early 2014.  I didn’t write every single day, but I acquired plenty of diary entries over those 20 years that I thought would be fun to share.  I decided to start a blog and post each diary entry online, no matter how boring or mortifying they might be.  To make things a little more interesting, I also add photos and include present-day commentary where I provide explanations, observations, or simply poke fun at my younger self.