Month: July 2017

A Subway With Its Own Library

cup of tea with that book, please Credit: The New York Times Ever left your house without your book and was facing a long commute to work? Now New Yorkers don’t have to face that dreaded outcome. The New York Public Library, Queens Public Library, and Brooklyn Public Library, in partnership with the Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) created a great reading project titled “Subway Library”, free ebooks for your ever daunting commute. These are free downloadable books excerpts or full text that can be accessed through the libraries’ e-reader app, the SimplyE. This is how it works: When you enter any subway station, connect to the Transit Wireless WiFiOnce logged on, you’ll see a prompt to go and visit SubwayLibrary.comAnd start browsing! They have various categories ranging from “New York Stories” to “International Tales”. It also organized books for those rare quick commutes or long reads for that ever daily occurring long/delayed commutes. And… View original post 78 more words

Lessons I Learned from #BlackLivesMatters

Originally posted on Joshua Lawrence Lazard:
A Sunday morning Facebook post asked “Is Black Lives Matter still a thing?” and I immediately did an eye-roll. The technical answer is in the affirmative. They still are a thing. I still get emails from them. I also know that in many activist circles that Black Lives Matters functions as a real, almost tangible entity. But, I know that that’s not what the social media post really meant. The post was getting at the sentiment that most people are wondering or have finally stopped caring about: why haven’t we heard from Black Lives Matter the way we did before the election of Donald Trump? I read this post and proceeded to climb up the intellectual mountain from which that question was generated–for whatever reason, when I wake up sometimes my mind brings a piercing alacrity to a thought–and I realized that there was a marked shift in how I personally discussed things and in how I engaged in this subjects in and around Black Lives Matter. In fact, I…

AA Skincare – Shampoo Bars Review

Originally posted on The Flower That Blooms:
A few months ago we set ourselves the challenge of finding some more cruelty free beauty brands online. We love looking around to find independent and small brands and as we’ve previously mentioned, Twitter is great for doing so. AA Skincare are a brand that we’ve been following for a while on Twitter but never got round to looking at properly. To cut a long story short, we eventually got into contact with AA and they kindly sent us two shampoo bars of our choice! We’ve always been fans of the ever so popular Lush shampoo bars and couldn’t wait to see how these ones compared. AA Skincare are a brand developed by Amphora Aromatics, a brand who have been one of the biggest suppliers of pure essential oils and aromatherapy products for over 30 years. Their products are created using all natural ingredients and essentials oils, including Aloe, Frankincense, Lavender and Neroli, making their products perfect for your skin. They cater for all different skin types, so whether…