All posts filed under: inspirational blog

The Millennial Pastor | Reverend Erik Parker

I am a Lutheran Pastor and among the oldest of Millennials, having been born in 1982. I have been using the internet my whole adult life, yet some of the people I serve to grew up traveling to church in a horse and buggy, or worked office jobs on typewriters, or remember TV being a new thing. Our generational differences make life interesting and we struggle together to be the ‘church’ in this new world.

S.T.A.R.T. Before You’re Ready.

Originally posted on CHASITY S. COOPER:
November was quite the whirlwind for me both professionally and personally, but I wanted to drop a note of reflection as we into the last month of the year.  Have you ever wanted to start something new (let’s in this case, say a blog) but continued to come up with excuses as to why you aren’t able to launch it? “I just don’t have enough time to write a blog post every day.” “What am I going to write about? And who will want to read it?” “I want my post to be perfect before I hit publish – I must keep editing!”   The truth is, while we were busy asking ourselves 21 questions, making statements and assuming, we could’ve published at least one or two posts, created a content calendar for the next two months and put throwback content in rotation on social media. Last month specifically, I spent most of my time getting back into the groove of working full-time and managing my various passion projects. And…

When You Let Nothing Get to You, Then You’re Absolutely Free.

Originally posted on F R E E D O M:
If you’re reading this: “So far, you’ve survived 100% of your worst days. Congratulations. Keep going.” I saw the quote while scrolling through Instagram and found it motivational. I thought back to the times where I thought that I’ve failed at everything and that things were over. I still remember a time where I could not accept failure, criticism or personal responsibility. All the times I felt scared, so scared of what might happen that I couldn’t get myself to even take a step out of my room. Fast forward to today. I realized, I survived because I dared to. I dared to try. I made moves, no matter how bad it seemed. I made choices. I moved on. And now looking back, I couldn’t really imagine my life without those choices, even if they weren’t the best of choices – even though the narrative doesn’t make much sense to other people – it makes sense to me. And looking back, without courage, being daring, making…