All posts filed under: 1980s

I Want My MTV (Classic)!

Originally posted on Cookies + Sangria:
Yesterday, executives over at MTV decided the repeats of the Eric Clapton hour-long jam band special on VH1 Classic just wasn’t getting the ratings they were expecting, so they decided to rebrand and turn VH1 Classic into MTV Classic. Just like the regular VH1 and MTV, MTV Classic is the cooler, more hip cousin as opposed to your slightly off-colored uncle who was a diehard DeadHead back in the day. What this rebranding means is that now millennials can watch “retro” shows from the 1990s like MTV Unplugged, Cribs, OG Road Rules and an animation block featuring the likes of Daria and Beavis and Butthead. Plus, MTV Classic promises more 90s and 00s music videos, including a TRL Retrospective, so I better be seeing more Carson Daly and Jesse Camp in my life. JK about that last one. Growing up, I was the kid who thought watching MTV made me cool. The first season of The Real World that I ever watched was London, which aired in 1995. I was…

It’s 2016: Let’s All (Re)Decorate For Fuller House!

Originally posted on Cookies + Sangria:
So remember a couple months ago when Netflix (pause: I was typing this and a Fuller House commercial legit came on the TV – it’s weird this popular streaming service is advertising on network TV. ANYWAYS) released the first promo for Fuller House? If you don’t, maybe it’s because you blocked it out after CRYING SO MANY UNEXPECTED TEARS. It was the first look into the new era of a Tanner family, or rather “Fuller” family since that’s DJ’s married name now, and how things have changed since 1995. Specifically, it’s comprised of shots of an empty house, which looks all too familiar and different at the same time. For many of us, this home isn’t just the ‘house that built the tanners’, it’s the ‘house that built me’ as a viewer as well. But of course they can’t keep the exact same set from 20 years ago. It’s TV, things need to updated and shown that time has passed, so in conjunction with our ongoing series Let’s All Decorate,…

‘Jaws 19’ has trailer

Originally posted on The Nostalgia Blog:
As we get closer and closer to Back to the Future day (October 21st, 2015) we are looking back on what the movie Back to the Future II predicted would be around in 2015. While some of the predictions have come true, sadly one that didn’t was Jaws 19 hitting theaters falling 15 sequels short of the goal. However, while there may not actually be a Jaws 19 film, thanks to Universal, we do have a trailer for what that film and it is pretty good. Enjoy!

It’s the Future! – Wednesday 21st October, 2015.

Originally posted on razorbackwriteraus:
The movie was better than what we have now, to be honest.  No flying cars yet. Today is the day that Marty went to the future, here in Australia.

Low-Fright Movie Night: Halloween Movies That Won’t Scare Your Pants Off

Originally posted on Cookies + Sangria:
I love almost everything about Halloween. Candy? Awesome. Costumes? Fun! Falling leaves, cider, donuts, tacky decorations? Sure! But there’s one big part of the holiday I can’t get behind: being scared. Slasher movies gross me out. I love ghost stories and spooky stuff, but as night falls and I’m alone in my 105-year-old house, I really, really wish I had skipped it. Besides, there’s plenty of real-life stuff to be afraid of, like repaying my student loans, or the prospect that the dead mouse I found this morning has left a widow and children somewhere in my house. Scaring myself silly over things that probably don’t exist doesn’t help matters. So what to do if you want to get into the Halloween spirit, but don’t want the Halloween spirit to keep you up in the middle of the night? Here are some of my favorite Halloween movies – either gently supernatural, or set during the season – that don’t leave me feeling all goosebumpy. Harry Potter Pick a Harry Potter,…

Interesting: Video trying to prove Daniel is the real bully in The Karate Kid

Originally posted on The Nostalgia Blog:
This is a fan made video by YouTuber J. Matthew Turner which attempts to prove that Daniel Russo is in fact the villain of the story and not Johnny. The video deems Daniel as a “violent sociopath” while it depicts Johnny simply as the “flawed hero”. I have to say, this video has convinced me wholeheartedly. Let’s just hope this guy doesn’t make any more videos going forward, because if he somehow convinces me that Maverick in Top Gun is the bad guy or that drinking 3 gallons of Pepsi a day is bad for you my life will be over as I know it. Enjoy the video!

The Most Cringe-Worthy Scenes In Comic Book Movies

Originally posted on The Nostalgia Blog:
This is a video by i09 showing highlights of some of the most cringe-worthy scenes in comic book movie history. Some of these scenes are real gems (and by gems I mean bat-shit crazy). So sit back and remember when these comic book movies were seen as triumphs of film (well not Spider-Man 3, that was known as garbage since day one). Enjoy!

Wheaties Box Athletes

Originally posted on The Nostalgia Blog:
What is the ultimate goal of an athlete? To play professionally? To win a championship? To win an Olympic medal? To beat the domestic abuse/blood doping accusation? The answer is yes to everyone of those questions because athletes are greedy. However, while setting out to accomplish all of those goals they may end up on the cover of a Wheaties box and they will also pretend like that is the highlight of their career even though we know it isn’t. With that said, there was a time when being on a Wheaties box was a huge deal (at least to the kids who ate the cereal and wanted nothing more than to be that athlete on the box). I don’t think being on a Wheaties box carries the gravitas it once did back in the day, my breakfast is now a steady diet of left over pizza and diet Rockstar energy drinks (gotta keep the calories down somewhere). Frankly, I don’t really care, this is The Nostalgia Blog and…