All posts filed under: nineteen90s

Some Grotesque Teenage Beast of a Boy – 6th & 7th August 1999

Originally posted on If Destroyed Still True:
Friday 6thRhian, Abby and I went swimming today. The main reason behind it was not to swim but to see Ben McFarlane. We did but only briefly. He wasn’t actually doing his pool attending like we’d hoped but he was in the shop part. I saw Rhian’s friend Laura Morgan’s brother, Duncan, today. The rest of his family are in Florida but he’s stayed here with his auntie who’s having a barbeque tomorrow to which we’re invited. Duncan was working in his parent’s café today and Rhian was ordered by Auntie S to introduce us to him, seeing as he’ll be at this barbeque as well, but she didn’t. Instead, Rhian got food and I got a good look at Duncan. I’ve never seen him before but Abby saw him at Christmas and Rhian sees him all the time and they both told me he was minging. So, I went in there expecting him to be some grotesque teenage beast of a boy but in fact I was…

Miss Honey Is Wonderful

Originally posted on Cookies + Sangria:
We want to welcome you all to Matilda Week, and nobody is more welcoming than Miss Jennifer Honey. As children we adored this kind-hearted teacher who recognized each child as a full, complex and important person. As adults, we are even more touched by Miss Honey as a survivor of a traumatic childhood who keeps her soft heart after years of abuse. She is a lesson in tenacity, warmth and loveliness. Miss Honey is wonderful. Miss Honey Is Kind And Soft Miss Honey: so softspoken, she sits to speak to the class. ? Fact: I adored my third grade teacher Ms. Cuthbert so much that when she invited her students to go to her wedding ceremony, I actually showed up. I sat near the back of the church with my parents and saw my teacher become Mrs. Hibbard. I watched in awe as one of my favorite teachers walked down the aisle in a gorgeous, puffy, 1993 gown, and wasn’t embarrassed at all to be there. Mrs. Hibbard was delightful, fun, and kind, but strict…

They’ve Bloody Done It!!! – 25th-27th May 1999

Originally posted on If Destroyed Still True:
Tuesday 25thI had my multiple choice Geography exam today. It was solid! You could hear the groans echo round the examination room as the people doing the higher paper opened it up to reveal the questions! I went back to Ed’s with Emma, Cat Elliot and Davis Nolan after the exam coz we only had an hour or so before Swing Band started. Davis and I have never really got on before but recently he’s started being really nice to me and he kept tickling me and stuff and he even had his arm round me at one point today. He’s with Emma though sort of so it doesn’t worry me much, it’s just more weird than anything else but then he’s American so that can explain a lot!! Only joking! He kept questioning me on Ollie, asking me if he was good and stuff. I squirmed my way out of answering the question though somehow! He was quite gentle with me (Ollie this is) but I’d probably…

I Got Next: Saved by the Bell Interactive Game

Originally posted on The Nostalgia Blog:
A Saved by the Bell interactive game on YouTube?! The Future is now! This is an interactive game from Fine Brothers Entertainment (ya know, the people who do those great ‘Teens React To’ videos). It’s a pretty cute little game that I suggest you check out. One down fall is you can’t play as Mr. Dewey who (as we all know) is the greatest character in Saved by the Bell history. Enjoy!

Play Store vs Playground

There are at least three playgrounds within the immediate area of the condo I live in, with my husband. Every morning when I join the rest of the corporate zombies on the clogged-up highway, I pass two out of the three playgrounds. When I return from work, I pass by the third playground. Yet, these playgrounds are empty and completely devoid of children laughing and playing on them.

I Want My MTV (Classic)!

Originally posted on Cookies + Sangria:
Yesterday, executives over at MTV decided the repeats of the Eric Clapton hour-long jam band special on VH1 Classic just wasn’t getting the ratings they were expecting, so they decided to rebrand and turn VH1 Classic into MTV Classic. Just like the regular VH1 and MTV, MTV Classic is the cooler, more hip cousin as opposed to your slightly off-colored uncle who was a diehard DeadHead back in the day. What this rebranding means is that now millennials can watch “retro” shows from the 1990s like MTV Unplugged, Cribs, OG Road Rules and an animation block featuring the likes of Daria and Beavis and Butthead. Plus, MTV Classic promises more 90s and 00s music videos, including a TRL Retrospective, so I better be seeing more Carson Daly and Jesse Camp in my life. JK about that last one. Growing up, I was the kid who thought watching MTV made me cool. The first season of The Real World that I ever watched was London, which aired in 1995. I was…

Why Did I Ever Stop Playing Video Games?

Originally posted on Coolbeans4:
I used to be a pretty avid gamer. Honestly, Nintendo was my childhood. But around the same time I started watching too much TV, I stopped playing video games. Yes, a few times in the last year I’ve plugged in the old Nintendo 64 so I could play Kirby Crystal Shards, but that was more out of boredom than interest. Recently, I decided that I may be experiencing a slight quarter life crisis, and that I really missed being young. But not enough to do anything about it. Until I did. Two weekends ago at a garage sale, some rando was selling a copy of Pokémon White for $2. Yes, TWO DOLLARS. Though my Nintendo DS was in some forgotten box in the basement, and I hadn’t played a DS game in years, I wanted it. I couldn’t pass up that deal! So I bought it. And as soon as I got home,  I dug out my DS, popped in the game and started playing. I think I logged 10 hours that day. When my brother came into the room and saw me,…

I Have Trouble Staying in the Lines: 90’s Coloring Book for Adults

Originally posted on The Nostalgia Blog:
Hey guys, my birthday is coming up and you know what I want? World Peace. Just kidding! That will never happen. What I really want is this Color The 90s adult coloring book by Outrageous Katie. It says ‘Adult’, so don’t let anyone give you any shit about being in your 20s, 30s or 40s and coloring in a coloring book (50 years olds can suck it, your were in your 20s when this stuff was relevant). For those interested in this little piece of Nostalgic awesomeness, you can buy it on Amazon! That place has everything! Except my fathers love….Anywho! Check out the link here as well as a few pictures below to get a taste of what the book offers and to plan out your coloring adventure! I myself am going to color Tim Allen blue because I’d never seen a blue Tim Allen before and quite frankly, I want to see one.

He Said That he liked me as a friend – 22nd & 23rd October 1998

Originally posted on If Destroyed Still True:
Thursday 22ndI was in a really miserable mood this morning. I think I was tired after being on a high last night but I just felt really down. Ed’s party doesn’t help. It’s going ahead on Saturday night and Ed only asked me coz Emma made him. That didn’t make me feel too good, I can tell you. Reuben Leigh (he left our primary school and I used to really like him) is going and Emma says Ewan is. I know what I’m like though. I always get my hopes up but then get disappointed and Emma always throws herself at people who she likes so I probably won’t have any chance. Either that or they won’t be there. I don’t even know if I’m going yet. Freda is having a sleepover tomorrow night. Hopefully that’ll be good but if I do go on Saturday I’ll probably be knackered! BYE! Saturday 21st Freda’s sleepover went okay last night. Nothing really interesting happened but she got a photo of…