Month: December 2015

Why We Settle And Why I Get It

Originally posted on Rosie Culture:
Relationships are a fragile thing. One string becomes frayed, it gets snagged, and the whole thing unravels into your hands. You never saw it coming. Basically since the start of this blog, I’ve expressed my fears on settling. Especially settling for someone you don’t really love. Settling for less than fireworks, all in romance, and perfection in a relationship. It’s easy to see how often relationships don’t work out. People get married at 24 and 50 years later they hate each other but still live under the same roof. They have kids and argue in front of them. They get a divorce and live bitterly. They miss out on a chance at happiness and a fulfilling life because they settled. They tried to make something work that just wasn’t going to work. We get to an age where we’re supposed to get married. It’s the time to settle down. You need someone to move in with, you need extra health benefits, you need the extra paycheck, your biological clock is…

Coveted 90s Christmas Toys

Originally posted on Cookies + Sangria:
It seems like everything from the 80s and 90s is getting a revival these days – from Full House to The X Files to Jem and the Holograms (although that didn’t go so well). There’s a rush of nostalgia going on right now, but it seems different to us millennials because it actually pertains to us. Instead of wearing 70s-inspired bell bottoms when we were in 7th grade, now we’re the ones who are rocking daisy print baby dolls dresses and jelly shoes. Yeah, I feel old too. In addition to fashion and entertainment, kids’ toys also somehow make a comeback, with things like Easy-Bake Ovens (which are weirdly futuristic looking now) and Puppy Surprises reappearing. In fact, the Puppy Surprise, you know that stuffed animal that’s holding an unknown number of baby puppies in its velcro sack, made a return last year, and it was so popular that the company had to stop airing commercials because the demand was so high. Easy-Bake Ovens and Puppy Surprises may have been coveted in the…

How to last through a party with flawless makeup

Originally posted on Posh & Spicy:
Hey Ladies So since many of you are interested in more beauty related topics i have chosen to write about how to last through those party nights, or a long day at work without having those mirror freak out wondering where your?lipstick?disappeard to. Your face does not have to show how exhausting or stressed you are and by?creating a long-lasting look you will?spend more time in the moment and less time in the mirror :)? Prime and blott For me the worst beauty freakout is when i see my T-Zone getting all oily and my foundation half gone. So to avoid that wrong kind of shine it is important to prime your face so that the foundation really gets on your skin and stays there. I use smooth affair for oily skin primer from Jane iredale. Before you head out quickly blott your face with some powder or blotting papers. Try pure pressed base mineral foundation Use smudge proof/ water proof Nothing screams “I’m tired” like smeared eyeliner. To…

Flexible Philanthropy Fund

Originally posted on Generation Y Retirement Account:
Philanthropy. Long word. Kind of funny sounding. Incredibly profound effects. So what exactly is philanthropy?  According to “altruistic concern for human welfare and advancement, usually manifested by donations of money, property, or work to needy persons, by endowment of institutions of learning and hospitals, and by generosity to other socially useful purposes.” In other words: the dollars you donated to the local animal shelter, those moments you volunteered in your child’s classroom, that 5K you ran down Greek row to raise awareness for CARDV, or the times you spent serving hot meals at The Salvation Army…those are all acts of philanthropy. I condone philanthropy on a regular basis & maintain practicing acts of philanthropy as often as I can – but it is especially prevalent around the holidays. During the winter when the weather gets colder, warm thoughts & kind actions towards others from all walks of life are especially important. I know that you often hear a designated percentage of your budget should be allocated towards philanthropy &…

The Perfect Day In Bondi

Originally posted on Little Brantley Abroad:
Today marks my last day in Bondi Beach before I head home for the holidays. I don’t know how, but from the moment I arrived, this beach town felt like home to me. Yes, it is a beautiful beach with attractive Aussie men running around 😉 but there is so much more to it. The people here are so kind and filled with great energy, anything you need is just a few steps away, and it has provided me with more incredible sunsets than I could have ever imagined. If you have a trip to Sydney planned, don’t miss out on a day in this spectacular place. Here’s how to have the perfect day in Bondi: Breakfast in Bondi: The restaurants in Bondi are so good that I will be posting a full article about all the delicious places to get brekkie, but for the sake of this post, I would recommend Speedos Cafe! Not only is their food amazing to photograph, it’s also delicious. (Below are their cronuts and pink…