All posts filed under: Technology

The Man Behind the Meme: White Guy Blinking

Originally posted on Cookies + Sangria:
Memes come and go into our lives. Some may be fleeting and some stick around for years. But how often do we know their origin story? Where did it start? Why has it become so popular? If there’s a person in the meme, what do they think of becoming an (internet) household face? Well I can help solve the mystery of one meme – this guy: Here’s White Guy Blinking, a GIF used to express disbelief, and in most cases a well-known fact or relatable situation. But who exactly is this guy? Well his name is Drew Scanlon and for certain types, he was already a well-known dude on the internet. He’s a video producer at Giant Bomb, a popular gaming website, and stars in multiple videos and podcasts for the site. So Drew was already used to fans clipping out GIFs of himself from the site, but never as fervent as this. In fact, the blinking GIF is from a 2013 Giant Bomb show called Unprofessional Fridays. In the video,…

Blogging 101: Blog Posts

After months of fishing through numerous blog pages to find millennial bloggers and posts to reblog, there are a few things we, the G.U.M team, have noticed. It’s time for us to share some tips based on our findings. We’ve decided to do our own series of Blogging University to share with all of you. To kick off we’re diving right in with blog posts. One of the, if not THE, most important part of blogging. A good blog contains posts that meet three major elements:

Instagram for Creatives

Hello readers! ? If you’re a creative person, or maybe you really love sharing beautiful things, and you want to grow your Instagram game, I’m excited to tell you that there are a few spots still available in tomorrow’s class! ?  Instagram for Creatives, Live online, Tuesday at 8:30pm ? We’re going to talk all about Growing your network connecting with your true collectors/clients Developing your aesthetic Telling your story Defining what to share & how to share it in order to grow to your business Running a successful giveaway/events on instagram Selling your work/services on Instagram & because of Instagram Creating genuine followers, not empty numbers Last year I taught this class to over 300 creative entrepreneurs.  I have gotten nothing but tremendous feedback from many of the students and have watched them grow in amazing ways!  This is not a numbers driven marketing scheme.  It is a way of thinking about your work, your content, and your audience in a passionate and unique way. ? ? If you would like to join the live class,…

The Internet Is Making Us Lonely

Originally posted on Rosie Culture:
Likes, favorites, retweets, comments, and all those weird emotion things Facebook just added. We live for instant gratification. It’s not because we’re selfish, it’s because of the Internet. It’s because we not only have to look great in person but we also have to look great online. There is more than one impression to make and you never know when you are going to have to make it. You know when you’re going out to a bar to meet up with all your friends and look for cute guys. But, you never know when someone’s going to request you as a friend on Facebook or follow you on Insta. You could make a great first impression in person, but might totally bomb when your first impression online is break up quotes and pictures of wine. It always looks like everyone else is having so much fun. They add all of their vacation pictures to an album for the world to see. They Instagram the amazing brunch they’re having that Saturday…

Then v. Now: 5 Old “Websites” 90s Kids Will Remember

Bebo/Xanga Both were popular sites for young adults, girls especially, in the early/mid 2000s. They were the perfect places to keep a “private” or public online journal, currently known as blogging.

Video games are the epitomes of storytelling

Originally posted on [ archives ]:
Ever since I can remember, I’ve always been interested in video games. When I was younger, I remember my parents telling me that I shouldn’t play that much video games because: It kills your brain cells You’ll end up not doing anything with your life It’s not very beneficial to you Well I don’t blame them for saying stuff like that because I would most definitely be hooked on a screen for countless of hours if they didn’t and probably wouldn’t be where I am today…. in front a screen for countless of hours..(Thanks mom and dad LOL). I agree some games are like this *ehem* Postal 2 *ehem* BUT(emphasis on the but) not all of them are. Actually, most games now are the total opposites of this common misconception but one genre of video games really stood out for me and that is….*drum rolls *tambourine rings |Story based Video Games| What is that you may ask?! Well the title is pretty self explanatory.. Video Games that are based on stories.. or Interactive stories.. whichever floats your…

Amazon Killed the Bookstore, Long Live the Bookstore

Originally posted on The Scribble Bug:
Source: The New Republic, Dustin Kurtz Time Magazine might have thought it popped up by surprise, but in reality Amazon’s first physical bookstore has been a long time coming. Yes, you read that right. Amazon’s first physical bookstore. To be exact, they’ve opened a 5,500-square-foot bookstore, carrying a not-that-impressive 5,000 to 6,000 titles with 15 employees under the direction of Amazon Books Vice President Jennifer Cast. It’s also in Seattle (so most of us don’t have to worry too much just yet). However, if you’ve paid any attention to the larger book world of late, you’ll realise those usually soft susurrations of discontent are more like a cacophony of squawk boxes (and far more rancorous). Because bookstore owners loathe Amazon. Everyone knows that. They undercut the cost of books through ecommerce, drove more bricks-and-mortar shops out of business than can be counted, and upended the bookselling industry. That’s before they branched out into publishing, whereupon they pissed off the rest of the book industry as well. With this in…

Social Media – The Necessary Evil

Originally posted on MiddleMe:
Social media – the blessing of my life and the bane of my life. The first part of the article is here if you have not read it yet. I’m going to explain further why social media is a detriment to productivity as I found out the hard way. I was on social media Twitter, Facebook and WeChat at 9 yesterday in the morning, with the intention of wanting to do a quick check and update on some of the stuff I read online the day before. Happily lounging on my couch, still in my pj, scrolling furiously at my Twitter to see if I missed any news when the good old trusty tummy start to rumble “Hungry. Feed. Me.” I looked up and to the shock of my life, it’s 12 in the afternoon! I have just wasted my half of my day on social media!!  During those 3 hours, I could have try a new recipe, swim many laps in the pool, finish 5 chapters of a book (I’m…

For The Peeple, Hated By The Peeple

Originally posted on Cookies + Sangria:
Last week, the Internet was up in arms (but when is it not) about a new app called Peeple, which lets you rate and review other people. It’s been called “Yelp for Humans”, which is how it’s being marketed around the web, hence the outrage among social media users who haven’t done any further research. I’m definitely not defending this app, but I wanted to figure out why the founders of it wanted to make it in the first place. These two best friends, one in Canada, one in the U.S., were dedicated to “changing the way people can learn about each other online.” Their solution was Peeple, an app that “allows you to rate and comment about the people you interact with in your daily lives on the following three categories: personal, professional, and dating.” Ok, seems easy enough. But, why sign up to do it? What is the goal to be accomplished here? According to these ladies, their mission is to “find the good in you”, and “enhance your…

What Photo-Manip Apps Do You Prefer?

Originally posted on The Blog of Christine B.:
Since I am a pretty novice internet-person, I have a question for all you more savvy types: What photo manipulation apps do you prefer? The only one I ever use is Instagram, and while that’s nice for posting on, well, Instagram, I’d like something a bit different for editing photos here. And yes, I could and have searched them up myself (I’m not being lazy, I swear! Procrastinating a bit, but not lazy!), but I’m asking for opinions here.  Features I’m looking for are ease of use (since I’m a noob), price (since I’m broke), and quality (since I’m fly like that). Mobile apps and browser apps are both totally fine. So throw some suggestions my way, pretty please? Pretty pretty please? Pretty please with puppies on top? And the puppies are only for decoration, not for eating, just to clear that up, but if you want they can be holding bags of jelly beans or chocolate chips or whatever you’re into these days. I won’t judge.