All posts filed under: Tutorial

Top 5 Halloween Makeup Tutorials

Originally posted on Views of Venus:
I am one of those girls who likes to really prepare for an event. I even go as far as checking out YouTube tutorials for the best makeup tips. Since it’s now October, I thought I’d put together a list of some incredible Halloween makeup tutorials that I’ve come across recently. Once you can master at least one of these looks, there’ll be no need to splash out on an expensive costume. Here are my top 10 Halloween makeup tutorials: Chrisspy gives us a step by step guide that makes this professional looking makeup look so easy. This is not the only Halloween tutorial on her channel, so check it out if you want to find the perfect look for you. 2. 18 year old Erin looks stunning as the gory Little Red Riding Hood. This look is perfect for Halloween, but still absolutely beautiful. Click here FreshBlush to go to her channel for more beautiful makeup tips. 3. Halloween is also the perfect opportunity to show off your sexiness. This…