All posts filed under: resources

Fitness Resources: Nerd Fitness!

Originally posted on Kate's Castle:
Today I’m going to be talking to you about one of my favourite fitness websites, Nerd Fitness! (Because let’s face it – there’s a bit of nerd in all of us.) There are several things that Nerd Fitness does better than other fitness groups and makes it my go-to when I need a motivation boost or a good workout! 1. It makes exercise genuinely fun If you’re struggling to keep to a fitness routine simply because you hate workouts, don’t worry, you aren’t alone. Making a habit is tough especially when it’s something you despise doing. Nerd Fitness works around the incredibly motivating idea that life is a video game. Sounds crazy? It sort of is but it’s also highly effective! In role-playing video games you work to become better, stronger, faster so that you can level up. You work on particular skills like speed and agility to improve them in order to complete tasks. Why can’t real life be the same? Steve Kamb challenges us to believe that it can be. “The overarching…