All posts filed under: compliments

Big Booty Judys and Stretch Marks

I think the best compliments are the ones you get when you least expect it. You know, like on those days when you barely made it out the door, your once beautifully blown out hair is now beyond frizzy…again, and you still haven’t decided if your shoes match. Those are the days when you least expect anyone to say something nice about you. Well, not too long ago, I was having one of those days and I just so happened to cross paths with a friend of mine. Of course, she didn’t realize that I wasn’t feeling so hot that day, so she spoke up and said, “Girl, you have the best body out of anyone I know.” (I’ll skip all of the other embellishment because I would hate for you to think that this post is supposed to be all about me…) Anyway, in this moment, I realized how the smallest things can sometimes make us feel the most insecure. We are a part of a generation that is constantly being told that our shape, …