All posts filed under: video games

I Got Next: Saved by the Bell Interactive Game

Originally posted on The Nostalgia Blog:
A Saved by the Bell interactive game on YouTube?! The Future is now! This is an interactive game from Fine Brothers Entertainment (ya know, the people who do those great ‘Teens React To’ videos). It’s a pretty cute little game that I suggest you check out. One down fall is you can’t play as Mr. Dewey who (as we all know) is the greatest character in Saved by the Bell history. Enjoy!

Why Did I Ever Stop Playing Video Games?

Originally posted on Coolbeans4:
I used to be a pretty avid gamer. Honestly, Nintendo was my childhood. But around the same time I started watching too much TV, I stopped playing video games. Yes, a few times in the last year I’ve plugged in the old Nintendo 64 so I could play Kirby Crystal Shards, but that was more out of boredom than interest. Recently, I decided that I may be experiencing a slight quarter life crisis, and that I really missed being young. But not enough to do anything about it. Until I did. Two weekends ago at a garage sale, some rando was selling a copy of Pokémon White for $2. Yes, TWO DOLLARS. Though my Nintendo DS was in some forgotten box in the basement, and I hadn’t played a DS game in years, I wanted it. I couldn’t pass up that deal! So I bought it. And as soon as I got home,  I dug out my DS, popped in the game and started playing. I think I logged 10 hours that day. When my brother came into the room and saw me,…

Video games are the epitomes of storytelling

Originally posted on [ archives ]:
Ever since I can remember, I’ve always been interested in video games. When I was younger, I remember my parents telling me that I shouldn’t play that much video games because: It kills your brain cells You’ll end up not doing anything with your life It’s not very beneficial to you Well I don’t blame them for saying stuff like that because I would most definitely be hooked on a screen for countless of hours if they didn’t and probably wouldn’t be where I am today…. in front a screen for countless of hours..(Thanks mom and dad LOL). I agree some games are like this *ehem* Postal 2 *ehem* BUT(emphasis on the but) not all of them are. Actually, most games now are the total opposites of this common misconception but one genre of video games really stood out for me and that is….*drum rolls *tambourine rings |Story based Video Games| What is that you may ask?! Well the title is pretty self explanatory.. Video Games that are based on stories.. or Interactive stories.. whichever floats your…


Originally posted on Metal and the Geek:
I haven’t written about games in a while. Even though I have been engrossed in The Last of Us remastered and some apps on my phone. I haven’t gotten the chance to write about them. Well I felt the need to write about Life is Strange again. While I know it is a game, I would now use quotes around that…so lets call it a “game” as I think it would have been better as some kind of mini series or a book. My main concern with this “game” came about when I finished the most recent episode, Episode 4, titled “Dark Room”. I will try to avoid Spoilers but here’s fair warning that some of what I have to say may very well ruin the plot points for you. Many people in the world suffer through mental illness, honestly I include myself in that group. I suffer from anxiety. This game had me feeling really uncomfortable this last episode. A lot of discussion is happening about this…