All posts filed under: legumes

My Top 5 vegan sources of Iron

Hi Everyone, Its MOnndaaaaay Again! so that means a Top 5 List :D… Like I have mentioned many times before when you go Vegan you start to pay a lot more attention to what you are putting into your body, and you also start getting a lot of questions about WHY you are vegan and WHAT do you eat… and so many concerns about your health and well being… where do you get protein? Calcium or IRON! well… l already did a Blog on Protein a few weeks ago HERE, but lets talk about IRON for a little bit.. since there a huge misconception that the only and Best source of Iron is Red meat… SO here is the mind blowing Truth…. Although IRON is VERY Important for Energy Production, Health and Immunity… Too much Iron in our Body can be very harmful as well! too much IRON  makes it difficult for our Body to get rid of the excess and it has been linked to Heart disease, arthritis & liver and pancreas degeneration!  As far…