All posts filed under: city

Simple in the City: Entertainment

Originally posted on Minimal Millennial:
Living in a small apartment in the city has some major perks, but entertaining can be tough when you only have a few square feet to spare. A typical Saturday at our apartment looks like this: sitting on the floor around the coffee table tossing game dice with six other people. Sometimes we pull together all of the chairs we can find (and chairs that friends bring) and squeeze to fit around our dining table. Most of us hold our drinks because there’s no table space available thanks to the extensive board games we like to play. We have one of the largest apartments in our group of friends (650 square feet), so we’re most often the gathering place. For as fun as it can be, it can get overwhelming. So how do you keep it simple when it comes to entertainment outside the apartment? Why it’s not always best to stay in My husband and I love our evenings together in the apartment. But, since I work from home all week and don’t usually have…

Simple in the City: Where to Live

Originally posted on Minimal Millennial:
Let’s get one thing straight right off the bat: cities aren’t all just cement and buildings, and rural areas aren’t all just cornfields or desert. There’s so much variation throughout every landscape that you can make just about anything out of just about anywhere. So once you decide where to live (there aso many great cities to choose from), you have to decide exactly where to live within that space. And if you’re looking to keep things simple, the cheapest area is not always the most ideal. So what should you look for in a city dwelling? Location This is honestly my top priority, especially in a city like Los Angeles. I know so many people with 45+ minute commutes each way – and it’s not a peaceful one, either. It may take some fancy financial footwork, but living as close as you can to your work and everyday needs will save you more than it costs in the long run. We managed to find an apartment that is surrounded by grocery stores, cafes…