All posts filed under: improvement

Junk in the Trunk (and the Drawers and Bins)

Originally posted on Minimal Millennial:
Junk drawers. They’re like Lay’s potato chips – you can’t have just one! They’re under our beds, in our kitchens, our offices, bathrooms, you name it – there’s probably a junk drawer there. The number and type of junk drawer that we have says a lot about us – mine make me look like a just-in-case fanatic. Last year, I counted at least three bins that I considered “junk drawers” in my apartment, mostly filled with half-blank pieces of paper for later use. I’d been carrying all this crap around for years without knowing it. Drawers and storage solutions are perfect for intentional storage. But they can be dangerous too – we leave things hidden for so long that we start to forget what we own and why we own it. A peek inside my junk drawers When we moved seven months ago, I avoided storage specifically because I don’t want to go back to having multiple junk drawers. But junk drawers always find a way, don’t they? We have a little built-in vanity and…