All posts filed under: clinique

Is it really THAT important to wear sunscreen?

Originally posted on Pretty Little Lewis:
Short answer: yes! And you should be wearing SPF 30-50 everyday. Here’s why: You may not think twenty minutes in the sun could possibly do?that much damage. But you are wrong. Even a few seconds of sun exposure without SPF protection will mutate your cells and could lead to a form of skin cancer later on. Gross. It can take up to 30 years (what!!) for sun damage to appear on your skin. Which means those years you spent at the beach with little or no sunblock (and you thought, hmm I don’t really get freckles or dark spots so I must be all good!) will catch up with you. You are not invincible! Start slapping it on now to avoid future #skinproblems. The sun causes dark spots on your skin. So if you’re trying every kind of spot cream and skin product to try hide them, the easiest solution is just to exfoliate, and load up on sunscreen. You should be wearing sunscreen EVERYWHERE. Not just your face,…