Month: January 2015

Trying to Succeed in 2015 (Now v. Then)

College Requirements Requirements change/increase every year. The standards to get into the university I attended have changed since I applied. Internships & Networking A college degree isn’t enough anymore. You also need to complete multiple internships and network like crazy. Networking is a bit easier with systems like LinkedIn and other forms of social media. Internships have become a bit trickier. Many companies, due to controversies within recent years, now require applicants to be eligible for course credit. If you’re a college graduate, but would love to intern for your dream company, you may have to find a few loop holes. If you’re lucky, it’ll be a paid internship; though not likely. I advise interning while seeking a degree in order to avoid this problem. Resources With each generation more and more resources are created that can aid in our success. The internet is a huge one. Unfortunately it means that expectations rise (i.e. admission requirements) and so does the work load, but it’s worth it. Fortunately it means you can become a web personality …

Best and Worst Advice Given to 90s Kids

BEST ADVICE ENJOY BEING A KID. I’m an adult, in America, with the internet at my finger tips. I’m far from naive or sheltered. Sadly this doesn’t hold true for all adults. At the same time, I enjoy embracing my inner child. I’ve held on to my creativity, imagination, honesty, and open heart. I enjoy the small (and big) things in life. I love new things! As Ursula K. Le Guin once said, “The creative adult is the child who survived.” I SURVIVED! IT’S OKAY TO FALL IN LOVE AT A YOUNG AGE Unless the other person is illegally older. Then you might want to wait. Cory and Topanga. The Ross and Rachel of the 90s teen shows. There are many who pressure young people to “explore” before they settle down. Though there’s nothing wrong with exploring, there’s also nothing wrong with committing to a relationship. Just because it’s a societal norm to commit at a later age, doesn’t mean you have to wait. Again, unless it’s illegal. EXPRESS YOURSELF. Sometimes you’ve had a long day and …