Month: December 2014

15 Thrift Shopping Tips

Given that our shops motto is to reduce, reuse, and recycle as much as possible, we practically LIVE in thrift shops. For those of you interested in doing your own projects at an eco-friendly and affordable price, here are a few tips: 1. EXPLORE SHOPS in your area. It can be easy to fall in love with a shop, but don’t miss out on other shops that may offer great items for a cheaper (or the same) price. Considering checking out one new thrift shop each week or tackling a cluster in one weekend.  It took me four weeks to find one of my (now) top 3 shops! Don’t be like me. Do better. 2. THRIFT ON VACATION You never know what you’ll find when you venture to a different area. Hit up a few thrift stores while on vacation. Enjoy your vacation, but set aside one morning to go to a thrift store or two. I’ll be doing this when I go home to NC in a few days. I’ll be sure to post …

Seriously…Stop Being Lazy

Through the years I’ve had many friends ask me how I managed to accomplish (insert accomplishment). For example, I once compiled a list of favorite directors and producers, followed by a list of companies throughout LA. For each company I wrote down their number, email, point of contact (if there was someone designated), and their location. When internship season arrived… Internship season is the period in which one should start applying for internships. This should take place the season before you wish to partake in an internship. For example, if you intend to intern in the fall, you should start applying/looking the summer before, if not SOONER. When internship season arrived, I called around and inquired about when companies would start accepting applications, who I should email, and what I should send. I also looked up tips on questions to ask and how to greet each person I spoke to. Why am I telling you this? Well, many of my friends were impressed by this. There were many adults who were amazed by this initiative …

5 Signs That You Are an Anti-Hipster

FOR THE RECORD: The anti in anti-hipster is pronounced like an-tee. If you pronounce it an-tie most people will think you hate hipsters. Unless you do hate them, in which case, do whatever you want. As for the antee-hipsters. Here are the signs: 1. YOU POSSESS A “NERDY” CHARACTERISTIC. Just because.   In my case, this would be my preference to stay in and read a good book while drinking tea. Thus the reason I have a books & tea pinterest board. 2. YOU’RE USED TO PEOPLE CALLING YOU WEIRD, and you don’t give a damn. Since high school, and I couldn’t care less. 3. YOU STOPPED TRYING TO BE COOL YEARS AGO. Either you were “over it” or didn’t care to keep up. I couldn’t keep up, so I decided to do #4. 4. YOU DO WHATEVER THE HELL YOU WANT, because you can. It’s like I always say, “Be yourself. Unless you suck. Then change, but still be yourself.” 5. YOU ARE NEVER AHEAD OF THE TIMES, but sometimes they catch up with you. This …

Calling All Opposite of Hipsters

I once googled, “what is the opposite of hipster,” because that is exactly what I am. Now, I know there’s this stereotype that hipsters always say, “I’m not a hipster.” I promise you, I am truly not one. I’m never ahead of the times. I don’t know what is cool or going on in the times. My fashion is based on my mood, not whatever is actually in. FOR THE RECORD: None of these things are due to rebellious reasons, this is just me. Hipstering seems cool, but I wouldn’t be any good at it. Any who, I figured there has to be a word. I’m sure there are other people out there like me. All I needed was that word to bond me to my fellow “opposite of hipsters.”   Google gave me two: anti-hipster and metahipster. I decided to look up the meanings. Here’s what I found on urban dictionary (the source of all things hip): ANTI-HIPSTER Often mistaken as a hipster, but actually the complete opposite. (Surprisingly, this has happened to me). Anti-hipsters can …