All posts filed under: blogger

We’re [I’m] Back! Here’s What’s “New”

If you haven’t noticed, I haven’t been posting and reblogging regularly for the past few months. I’ve been dealing with some health issues. Though I’m the only one managing the site, our staff writers have been steady writing. I am happy to say I am healing and back in action! For those of you haven’t had a chance to check out our new and improved website, here’s a quick guide:

Why You Should Work for Little to No Pay

WARNING: This may cause gif overload, but who doesn’t love a good gif. After attending school for four years and building up debt, we all want to graduate with a salary paying job that allows us to live comfortably and pay off student loans.

Making Friends in the Real World

California is the perfect place for my career to prosper. I moved out here one month after graduation and landed a pretty sweet job. It’s been such a wonderful experience. The weather is lovely. I live in an area that reminds me of my home state. My work environment is pretty ideal.

She Be Kale-in It | Kate Van Horn

I’m Kate and I believe that through a balanced lifestyle, we as individuals can thrive. I have always been passionate about health and wellness. My love for vegan foods and mindful living started from a place of compassion both for myself and others. I have overcome struggles in the past, and have utilized that strength to find what brings me passion and joy. I currently use my creativity through cooking, photographing and writing about my food to not only help others interested, but also to hold myself accountable and focused on my recovery.

What is G.U.M?

G.U.M is a company geared towards bringing the millennial community together through the common love of 80s & 90s nostalgia and our never-ending battle with adulthood. From quarter life crises to unconventional career paths (YouTubing, Blogging, etc.) we aim to foster an environment of support, positive interactions, and collaborations. In a nutshell… We are the twenty-somethings and (early) thirty-somethings that realized no one prepared us for adulthood. The ones who don’t want to spend the next 40+ years sitting through a 9 to 5 job that we hate.The ones that are settling down and starting families AND the ones who are watching and are far from ready. The ones that are eager to be self employed, have money that makes itself, travel the world, be fit, and in style.The ones that are last to remember a life that wasn’t tech heavy and first to grow up with ever-evolving technology. The ones who strive to figure out the secret to work-life-balance and “having our shit together.” We are the ones that hate the negative connotation older generations associate …

Want us to follow you? Or be featured?

We’re always looking for millennials to follow. In order for us to follow you the criteria is simple: Be a Millennial Be an avid blogger What do we mean by an avid blogger? We want to see that you’re planning to blog more than three times before you leave the blogging world for six months to forever. Put up a few posts and then come our way! We’re happy to follow. If your blog doesn’t blatantly indicate that you’re a millennial, let us know and we’ll be sure to follow you! Once we follow you we’ll automatically start reblogging your posts on our site for all of our followers to see!   Want to be featured in our Millennial Bloggers section? We currently have 40 bloggers featured in our ‘Millennial Bloggers’ section. Features have ended for now. However we will resume on February 1st. In the meantime feel free to send questions to | Simone McKenna

My name is Simone, I am 27 years old and live in Perth, Australia. I have been inspired to create this blog due to the number of friends, family and colleagues who often ask for my advice or tips in regards to eating right, training hard and living positively and enthusiastically. Although by day, I am a classroom teacher and sports co-ordinator at a primary school, I have a serious passion and slight addiction (some would say) for living a healthy and well balanced lifestyle. Until the beginning of the year I hadn’t studied anything other than my Bachelor of Education. However, this year I have been busy pursuing my passion for fitness, nutrition and wellbeing by studying and networking with professionals in the fitness field to broaden my knowledge.

Just Another Millennial Living with her Parents | Angela Madera

Angela Madera is a writer and blogger living in Chicago, IL. She moved back in with her parents of her own accord at the age of 27, and it was in that moment that Angela decided to pursue the career she had always wanted to pursue – writing. Currently, Angela enjoys writing topical commentary for her blog, and contributes material for Elite Daily and You Queen.

Minimal Millennial | Emily Torres

My name is Emily and I’m determined to live life to the fullest – but without all the stuff. Through paring down my belongings and cutting frivolous shopping, I am making my life more intentional. I started my minimalist journey a few years ago when I realized my possessions were (literally) weighing me down and holding me back from going places I wanted to go. I was born and raised in Indiana, but now I’ve started a new life in Los Angeles with my husband and two rabbits. I love (and write about) simple living, healthy food and spreading joy.