All posts filed under: social media

10 Highly Recommended Conferences for Young Entrepreneurs in 2016

There are many events geared towards entrepreneurs that take place throughout each year. Here are 10 events worth looking into in 2016.

Slacktivism: How powerful is online activism?

Originally posted on The Scribble Bug:
Slacktivism is a funny little hybrid word – a portmanteau of ‘slacker’ and ‘activism’.  It applies to ‘actions taken to bring about political or social change but requiring only minimal commitment, effort, or risk’, but more generally referring to the casual liking or retweeting of political or issue-led content online in lieu of mobilising IRL. Over the last two years it’s received a serious amount of mixed press. On the one hand, it’s drawing attention to campaigns and causes that need them. On the other, slacktivism carries a pejorative undertone – implies people are interacting online to look good or feel good rather than actually engaging or committing to a cause. Is this all it is? Is it just a lot of talk but not a lot of do?  As a digital native who often finds themselves writing about activism – in particular those related to climate change, mental health, and equality – this is something that has increasingly bothered me. And you know me – if something causes a bother then it’s time to ask some questions and find…

Instagram for Creatives

Hello readers! ? If you’re a creative person, or maybe you really love sharing beautiful things, and you want to grow your Instagram game, I’m excited to tell you that there are a few spots still available in tomorrow’s class! ?  Instagram for Creatives, Live online, Tuesday at 8:30pm ? We’re going to talk all about Growing your network connecting with your true collectors/clients Developing your aesthetic Telling your story Defining what to share & how to share it in order to grow to your business Running a successful giveaway/events on instagram Selling your work/services on Instagram & because of Instagram Creating genuine followers, not empty numbers Last year I taught this class to over 300 creative entrepreneurs.  I have gotten nothing but tremendous feedback from many of the students and have watched them grow in amazing ways!  This is not a numbers driven marketing scheme.  It is a way of thinking about your work, your content, and your audience in a passionate and unique way. ? ? If you would like to join the live class,…

The official launch of @DoitfortheProcess!

On the heel of yesterday’s blog post, I am so excited to share this exciting news with you today! I am thrilled announce the launch of the new Do It For The Process Instagram account!  HOORAY!!!!! The #DoItForTheProcess hashtag has taken on a life of it’s own and has become a great place for artists and makers to showcase their work, and now, we’re taking it to a whole new level! ? In this new Instagram account, I’ll be featuring many of the artist I admire each, talking about their process, their inspiration, sharing stunning photos of their work, and generally bragging on them.    It’s going to be amazing!   This is day 4 of this account’s life, so we are going to be growing and nurturing it together and I would LOVE your support!  Please feel free to share this good news in whatever way you wish.  TY! ? When I began this blog YEARS and years ago, my goal was to share the work of people that I admire.  I LOVE supporting…

How to Know You’re Getting Old in 8 Ways

Originally posted on How To Get Things Done in 10 Ways:
Obviously, I know, that at age 25 I am not old. I have a lot of life left and to fret about being old this early in the game is stupid. But sometimes I just look at things and think, “Oh God, am I getting old? I would never do that.” I can just feel the aging in moments like that.?Oh maybe that’s what they call maturing?! Maybe I am finally maturing! Wow, now I feel so fancy after that realization. Okay, so for the purpose of this post we’re going to stick with the idea that I’m getting old… 1. Talking in the movie theater The boyfriend and I went to see a movie a little bit ago, and the theater was pretty empty except for this group of teens and a few couples sprinkled throughout. Those kids had something to say at EVERY damn scene! I mean, when I was a kid, yeah, I liked to talk to my friends during the movie,…

Social Media – The Necessary Evil

Originally posted on MiddleMe:
Social media – the blessing of my life and the bane of my life. The first part of the article is here if you have not read it yet. I’m going to explain further why social media is a detriment to productivity as I found out the hard way. I was on social media Twitter, Facebook and WeChat at 9 yesterday in the morning, with the intention of wanting to do a quick check and update on some of the stuff I read online the day before. Happily lounging on my couch, still in my pj, scrolling furiously at my Twitter to see if I missed any news when the good old trusty tummy start to rumble “Hungry. Feed. Me.” I looked up and to the shock of my life, it’s 12 in the afternoon! I have just wasted my half of my day on social media!!  During those 3 hours, I could have try a new recipe, swim many laps in the pool, finish 5 chapters of a book (I’m…

Which Social Media Are You?

Originally posted on SHEU QUEN | THE RACONTEUR:
Vanichi Magazine: What if guys were social networks? Who would YOU be? | Photo by Ads of the World. Like my husband said to me last night, social media exploded onto the scene of the World Wide Web just when youngsters of the latest Net Generation were born. This only means that those born after the Generation X or Y will be very well-read with smartphones, tablets, laptops and computers, and all other things tech-related. Is this how our world is moving towards in the near future? Do you like what you’re seeing now? Kids having meals with their families but instead of sharing a heart-to-heart conversation, their faces are glued to the small rectangular screens, hastily typing out a message to their friends before their tiger mothers and disciplinarian fathers bark orders to them to put their tech toys away. I was like that once upon a time. In fact, I actually devised a way to continue texting friends despite being at the dinner table! Back when…

The Ugly Truth

Originally posted on Confessions of 2 broke girls:
Fun fact about me: I hate growing up. I know everyone does at some point or another, but it can really suck sometimes. Everyone changes at different paces and no one knows how to deal with it. Another fun fact: I get jealous. And again, I know everyone does, but jealousy seems to be a root cause of my issues with growing up. I HATE looking on Instagram and Facebook and seeing all the engagements. I HATE seeing everyone traveling and having the time of their lives while I work and go to class everyday. But mostly, I HATE when people get all the attention. (I know, I’m a five year old who needs to learn that the world doesn’t revolve around her.) Everyone thinks these things, I’m just the one to say them out loud. No one likes it when other people get the limelight. I keep telling myself that my time will come and everyone will get to be jealous of how awesome I really am,…