All posts filed under: autism

Hospitals shouldn’t be prisons: the case of Hannah G

Originally posted on Oh, the places you'll go :
So, typically in my posts I try for a little levity.  I find a few funny images or gifs to liven things up, and I try to keep everything as anonymous as possible. I’ve made a real effort not to show faces on this blog, because privacy is a right that is very hard to maintain in this digital age. Today, I’m taking a different route. This is Hannah G. Now, I want you to stop, and look at that picture for a second.  Keep looking. Little more.  Here, I’ll give you a couple more to help. Ok, good.  Keep that in mind while I tell you her story. So, on my summer Contiki, I met, ended up often rooming with and befriended another medical student. She was from the USA, and we bonded, as one does on a Contiki. We talked about our medical school experiences, and our families, and as such, I ended up hearing about her sister; Hannah G.  Now, Hannah sounded like a…

We’re Going to University!!

Originally posted on Every Word You Say:
We did it!! (Well, Kyle did it). As many of you know from my previous posts, my boyfriend Kyle has been struggling to get into University because his Dyslexia and Autism have stopped him getting a C in his English exam. Despite this, he managed to get 3 A grades in his Forensic Science course, and he got a B in Maths, and this has meant that finally he’s been excepted into University!! I’m beyond proud of him 🙂 Sorry this is such a short post, but I just had to share this with you all! He’s been through so much and finally people are realising how awesome he truly is 🙂 Thanks for reading!