All posts filed under: bloggers

Blogging 101: Blog Posts

After months of fishing through numerous blog pages to find millennial bloggers and posts to reblog, there are a few things we, the G.U.M team, have noticed. It’s time for us to share some tips based on our findings. We’ve decided to do our own series of Blogging University to share with all of you. To kick off we’re diving right in with blog posts. One of the, if not THE, most important part of blogging. A good blog contains posts that meet three major elements:

What is G.U.M?

G.U.M is a company geared towards bringing the millennial community together through the common love of 80s & 90s nostalgia and our never-ending battle with adulthood. From quarter life crises to unconventional career paths (YouTubing, Blogging, etc.) we aim to foster an environment of support, positive interactions, and collaborations. In a nutshell… We are the twenty-somethings and (early) thirty-somethings that realized no one prepared us for adulthood. The ones who don’t want to spend the next 40+ years sitting through a 9 to 5 job that we hate.The ones that are settling down and starting families AND the ones who are watching and are far from ready. The ones that are eager to be self employed, have money that makes itself, travel the world, be fit, and in style.The ones that are last to remember a life that wasn’t tech heavy and first to grow up with ever-evolving technology. The ones who strive to figure out the secret to work-life-balance and “having our shit together.” We are the ones that hate the negative connotation older generations associate …

Cookies + Sangria | Traci Doromal & Molly Dougherty

We met in high school, thanks to the alphabetizing system teachers have been using since the 1800s to seat kids in their desks for homeroom. We’ve always found the same things were funny, and in 2013 we started Cookies + Sangria hoping that other people had the same sensibilities. Now we live on opposite sides of the country and – just like passing notes in homeroom back in 2002 – we use the blog to share the things we think are funny with each other and our internet friends.

Liebster Award

We were nominated for the Liebster Award by the wonderful Erika who runs, one of my favorite blogs, The Farm on the Hill. The Liebster Award is an award for bloggers by bloggers. The goal of the award is to encourage more connection and support within the writing community, as well as assist in discovering up and coming bloggers. The award focuses on bloggers with less than 200 followers. Though we don’t quite qualify in that regard, we’re happy to participate. When someone nominates you for the Liebster Award they ask you a series of questions. Here are the questions submitted by Erika. What originally got you blogging? Like many of my peers, I realized that adulthood didn’t come with a manual. As I wanted to share what I was learning as I learned daily lessons; thus the blog was born. What do you most enjoy about blogging? I love when bloggers comment and interact. I know we all have busy days, but it’s nice when someone takes the time to share their opinion or experiences. …

How I’m Coping with Blogging Burnout.

Originally posted on Ordinary Adventures:
I keep feeling like Ordinary Adventures has been one big stutter for the past few weeks. I keep hesitating with my ideas, my blog posts aren’t as crisp, I skipped a day, and a lot of it has been me sharing some personal struggles. I’ve felt like there is a scratch on the turn table and I keep rewinding to my previous step. I know?I’m still ahead of the game in some areas, but that’s only because of how far I’ve pushed myself. And I’ve loved every minute, so I don’t want to stop now!?Although, I’m not going to be too hard on myself, my life has taken a complete 160 since summer ended, but I long to keep moving forward with my blogging journey. My life has become a whirlwind, I have a whole new schedule, I keep dreaming of lofty goals, but nothing is coming out of my keyboard. I’m tired, honestly. I’ve changed my sleep schedule, my work hours have changed, I’m more exhausted then ever before,…

5 Of My Favourite Blogs In August

Originally posted on NEW BLOG
Last month I decided to start writing a post each month to share my favourite blog posts from other bloggers. Throughout August I’ve kept an eye on my bloglovin’ and Twitter feed, looking for interesting and inspiring posts. ? Here are my 5 favourite blog posts from August: ? Blogger And The Geek Two lovely bloggers came up with the idea of #BloggerBoxShare and put it into action earlier this month. I signed up straight away! Gifts are the best. Sending gifts to other bloggers = even better. I’m literally so excited to take part in this. Head over to Becky’s blog for more information on Blogger Box Share. ? Life Beauty Love My Twitter feed was filled with people sharing this eye opening blog post from Katie, “Clothing Sizes In Retail: Is It Time For Change?“. I’ve felt pretty much everything Katie and the other bloggers in her post have gone through during clothes shopping. After reading the comments, it’s obvious men also have similar problems when…