All posts filed under: safety

Not-Your-Parents-Nagging-Speech…Just 8 Realistic Ways To Stay Safe In College

Originally posted on Young&Twenty With a new school year fast approaching and nerves running high between freshman and seniors, this seemed to be the most important post that I could write. The most upsetting piece of news I’ve read lately said “those who go to College have a higher chance of being raped than those who don’t.” It’s a shame we have to say “stay safe” before we say “have fun,” but a lot of people forget that college comes with freedom, and repercussions! 1. Leave The Party Early If your friends or floor mates are leaving a party, leave with them! Saying “we’ll meet up later,” as you sip on the brim of your red cup and latch onto a stranger, will never end well. It makes a lot more sense to leave an hour early than to stumble home drunk and alone, an hour later. There will always be more parties. There will always be more people to meet. There will always be another night. 2. Update Your Phone Book When you’re moving …

Harassment on WordPress.

Originally posted on Every Word You Say:
Yesterday I wrote a post called The British Tag, which was just a jokey post where I answer questions about my Britishness. I never thought it would lead to me be harassed. A few minutes after I’d published my post it was rebogged. Yay! Right? So I clicked on the site who had reblogged it and that’s where I saw that the only other posts this person had were pictures of his penis and posts asking people, specifically young British teens, to text him. This made me really uncomfortable, and I didn’t want my post being linked to someone like this. I commented on the post and asked him why he posted it, and if he could take it down, and that he needs to label his content as mature because anyone could visit his site. He then apologised, and I thought that would be the end of it. Until he sent me three comments in a row asking what I thought of his pictures, and whether I’d…