All posts filed under: letters

A Letter to My 20-Year-Old Self

Originally posted on Am I Thirty Yet:
So tomorrow is the big day! The day this entire blog was written about. I turn 30! Turning 30 has made me think a lot about what it was like when I was turning 20 and saying goodbye to my teens. I didn’t handle it very well. There were panic attacks and I actually wet the bed the night of my birthday. (This is a true story and maybe I’ll tell you lucky people about it in another post.) For now, let’s go back to poor, little 20-year-old Liz. She was not excited about leaving her teens behind her and entering her twenties. Current Liz still isn’t 100% sure on what she wants with her life and the direction it is going to take. But 20-year-old Liz might as well have been on another planet. She didn’t even know what hairstyle worked best for her face or how to put on eyeliner. She was a lost soul who needed a lot of guidance. Now being a wise, almost 30-year-old (that…

The World Needs More Love Letters đź’•âś‰ď¸Ź

Originally posted on The wolf and the fox:
Recently I came across a brilliant campaign called “The World Needs More Love Letters“. At first I was a little skeptical about the idea, I wondered what it was about, obviously love letters, but not the typical sort of love letter… These ‘love letters’, aren’t love letters at all. In fact these are letters that started in 2010 on a train with a girl who decided to experiment with her own loneliness. Thus creating love letters, to help her through it. * “The things she found to be true: A) No matter how tough we act, we all still need a love letter from time to time. B) Even in a world crammed tight into 140 characters and constant status updates, there is a still a great craving for the handwritten note. C) Everyone defines the term “love letters” in their own way. Better we take the word from its confines and let it run free. D) The world needed far more than just her own love…