All posts filed under: fall

My Daily Bread // Family Chili Recipe.

Originally posted on Ordinary Adventures:
It’s that time of year. Your Christmas tree is probably up, most of the Thanksgiving leftovers have been eaten through, and possibly, there’s a little bit of snow on the ground. For me, two of those things are true,?still no snow days for me yet! But even if none of those things are true, you cannot go wrong with chili. If I thought my last time in the kitchen was bad, then this time is in a category all it’s own. I have to admit, getting the hang of cooking is much harder than it looks! Getting all the right ingredients, preparing the food successfully, everything running smoothly, at the same/correct time, and then coming out deliciously? Much harder said then done. But, I learn something new every time. This time around I found out just how important it is to have simple recipes when you don’t cook often. One reason is, you will waste a ton of money on random ingredients that will end up going bad before you…

November Wrap Up

Originally posted on One Little Bookshelf:
As per usual, I am amazed by how fast this month is gone. I can’t believe it’s nearly Christmas! I hope everyone has had a good month as is settling into the holiday spirit 🙂 Anyway, onward to the wrap up! What I read this month… Tales from the Shadowhunter Academy #6-10 by Cassandra Clare et al. I really enjoyed these last few stories 🙂 I’ve read the 10 novellas over the last three months, so it’s nice to have finished them. You can find my review of each story here. More Happy Than Not by Adam Silvera I really liked this book, and thought it was very unique and stood out in the busy YA Contemporary genre. If you haven’t already read this book, I would definitely recommend it! You can find my review here. The Assassin’s Blade, Crown of Midnight, and Heir of Fire by Sarah J. Maas I have fallen head-over-heels in love with the Throne of Glass series. This is such an exciting world, with amazing…

How I’m Coping with Blogging Burnout.

Originally posted on Ordinary Adventures:
I keep feeling like Ordinary Adventures has been one big stutter for the past few weeks. I keep hesitating with my ideas, my blog posts aren’t as crisp, I skipped a day, and a lot of it has been me sharing some personal struggles. I’ve felt like there is a scratch on the turn table and I keep rewinding to my previous step. I know?I’m still ahead of the game in some areas, but that’s only because of how far I’ve pushed myself. And I’ve loved every minute, so I don’t want to stop now!?Although, I’m not going to be too hard on myself, my life has taken a complete 160 since summer ended, but I long to keep moving forward with my blogging journey. My life has become a whirlwind, I have a whole new schedule, I keep dreaming of lofty goals, but nothing is coming out of my keyboard. I’m tired, honestly. I’ve changed my sleep schedule, my work hours have changed, I’m more exhausted then ever before,…

How to update your makeup bag for fall

Originally posted on Posh & Spicy:
Hey ladies Fall is definitely my favorite season of the year. There is more of everything. More colors, more clothes and more makeup. Since the change of season brings both wardrobe and beauty updates alike i will help you with some basic tips to get your make up bag up to date.  Swap your foundation shade Not many know this but your skin tone tends to change with the season. Either because your summer tan is fading or your complexion is changing due to weather changes. I usually have a winter and a summer shade. Have a color-match test done at a beauty counter to ensure that your foundation shade is up to date Go berry And by that i mean your lipstick. Retire from those barely there nudes and glossy lips, now is the time to be bold and berry. The most hottest colors are plum, burgundy, wine and deep red. Say goodbye to your bronzer Your orange toned bronzer will not look right with your fall look. Instead…

Low-Fright Movie Night: Halloween Movies That Won’t Scare Your Pants Off

Originally posted on Cookies + Sangria:
I love almost everything about Halloween. Candy? Awesome. Costumes? Fun! Falling leaves, cider, donuts, tacky decorations? Sure! But there’s one big part of the holiday I can’t get behind: being scared. Slasher movies gross me out. I love ghost stories and spooky stuff, but as night falls and I’m alone in my 105-year-old house, I really, really wish I had skipped it. Besides, there’s plenty of real-life stuff to be afraid of, like repaying my student loans, or the prospect that the dead mouse I found this morning has left a widow and children somewhere in my house. Scaring myself silly over things that probably don’t exist doesn’t help matters. So what to do if you want to get into the Halloween spirit, but don’t want the Halloween spirit to keep you up in the middle of the night? Here are some of my favorite Halloween movies – either gently supernatural, or set during the season – that don’t leave me feeling all goosebumpy. Harry Potter Pick a Harry Potter,…


Originally posted on be beautiful.:
It’s getting to be that time of year again – tights season. If you’re like me, tights are your go-to when the temperature dips down near the freezing mark. They can transform a summer dress into a fall outfit in the blink of an eye. But as we know all too well, just as you arrive to your favorite restaurant on date night, you glance down to find a run the length of the Great Wall of China down the back of your calf. If you don’t want this disaster to happen again, you better make room in the freezer. Yes, that’s right – freezing your tights can protect them from getting runs. It sounds crazy, but hear me out: The next time you buy a new pair (and before you wear them), run them under water until they’re slightly damp (don’t completely soak them). Then place them in a plastic bag and freeze overnight. Take them out and give them a day to defrost and thaw out. The best part? You…

Fall Fashion Outfit Idea: over the knee boots & leather jacket

Originally posted on happynami:
Here’s my Autumn outfit of the day. I was inspired by this lovely new sweater you can see underneath. Plus, you can never go wrong with a good black jacket. I think leather jackets especially, are one of those clothing items that will never go out of style. What I’m wearing: SCHUTZ over the knee boots MANGO bag ZARA  jacket GAS JEANS chunky sweater STUSSY dress FOSSIL eye glasses Unfortunately none of the items shown in the photos are available anymore. I usually buy my clothes on sale or in outlet stores (especially the more expensive items), but hopefully this outfit could serve as an inspiration for some of you. What are your favourite fashion items for Fall? Feel free to share your thoughts with me in the comment section bellow. 🙂

Tea Time.

Originally posted on Ordinary Adventures:
What could be better than a chilly, rainy, autumn morning, with a steaming cup of tea in hand? Nothing, that’s what. Okay, maybe I can think of a few things, like a millions dollars, a herd of ponies, endless bruschetta… But a dreary morning being warmed up by a favorite tea is still pretty amazing. Since I stopped drinking soda this month, I’ve been looking for healthier, still delicious alternatives beverage wise. Going through a gallon of juice can get expensive, especially with how quickly it disappears. I never was a coffee drinker, and I’ve had to let go of my all time favorite drink, Red Bull. I will admit that I have been much better off without Red Bull, and I know in the long run less/no soda is great too. But I have to admit, water can get a little tedious after a month. So I decided to pick up drinking a little bit more tea. From time to time, I’ve been brewing up my old favorites and…