Month: August 2015

Saying Goodbye to Block

Originally posted on Unlocked Block:
Disclaimer, I am not typing this post from Block Island. I won’t be typing any posts from Block Island for a while actually. I am off-island and back to the mainland way of doing things like sitting at stop lights and ignoring eye-contact with strangers. The worst. To bid my farewell I want to create a guide to help readers past and present get right to the good stuff of the blog and also to rate my top picks for Block. What needs to be noted is that though I am off-island, life there remains. It thrives to be more exact. Early fall is a great time to visit with the ocean staying warm and keeping the island temperate. Weddings brings plenty of visitors on the weekends, but consider a mid-week September trip and you will find lower hotel rates, private beaches and romance in a bottle. So if you visit in the fall (or want to be ready for next summer) here a few top picks to keep in mind:…

The Rat Race.

Originally posted on Heart of a Traveller:
Two months ago, I was about to graduate and super excited about my upcoming gap year. I had plans to volunteer at schools in Vietnam, to get my PADI diving licence in Thailand, and to work on my freelance portfolio while I was at it. I wanted to take my time exploring the places that intrigued me. And then I got offered an internship. A two-month editorial internship in Singapore, the kind of thing that someone with my degree is ‘expected’ to do once they graduate, and I got stuck. I didn’t see giving up this internship as an option; it was a great opportunity to gain experience and to get some more print pieces published. Plus, I told myself, it would give me some more time to plan out the rest of my gap year, to really go do what I want; travel. With this plan in mind, I started my internship. I was happy working during the day and planning my upcoming trips at night, that…

Sri Lanka, Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam Bound (2016) 

Originally posted on Nathan's Insights:
So it’s time to start thinking more about my next trip as its now less than 12 months out. ?I’m going to combine a bucket list item (no. 28 see Test Cricket in six countries) with a trip to Sri Lanka and then a tour covering more of South East Asia. I still don’t know the exact dates for the Australian Test tour other then it’s July to August. ?For this reason I’m going with a more personalised tour company, On the Go Tours, which will commence the day I select. ?I’m looking at their 9 day Go Sri Lanka tour which includes a visit to Dambulla Rock Temple, Udawalawe National Park, and an Elephant Orphanage. Then I’ll move onto a G Adventures tour the Indochina Explorer which commences in Thailand (Bangkok), goes onto Laos (Luang Prabang), than Vietnam (Hanoi) followed by Cambodia (Phnom Penh) with lots of other cities visited in between on this 18 day trip. ?I’m probably most looking forward to visiting The Angkor Wat temple…

What Makes a Female Character “Strong”?

Originally posted on The Sunflower Cafe:
One thing that always bothered me in media is that when writers wanted a female character to be portrayed as “strong” they immediately created a woman who was both beautiful and able to kick ass. She had to be able to throw a punch in red lipstick and keep up with the boys while running in heals. She had to have the physical capability as a male action lead in order to be acknowledged as someone empowered. If she was portrayed with little fighting experience or a pacifist, she’d be labeled weak because that’s not what the media’s definition of “strong” is for women. For a long time as I was growing up I couldn’t stand the stereotypical strong female character. She was always bland and her only redeemable quality was that she could fight. As someone who isn’t physically strong and terrified of confrontation, I had difficulty relating to these characters. I always felt more in touch with the girl characters who were typically off to the side…

Roadtrippin’ Austria: Grossglockner

Originally posted on happynami:
Here’s a short video of my trip to Grossglockner High Alpine Road I hope you enjoy! ps: I’ve noticed the bad quality of my privious video, but I’m working on improving it. For more photos from my everyday life feel free to check out my instagram page by clicking here.

Upcoming Releases in September

Originally posted on Junkies Literarios:
By @TheLiteraryMomo So, since September is just around the corner, that can only mean one thing… There are some new books coming out! In case you are lost about what to get, or just don’t know what the hottest new releases are, I’m always here to lend a hand.  Here are 10 of the upcoming books that will be released Starting September first: 1. Infinite in Between by Caroline Mackler Five teenagers who meet on the first day of their Freshman year of high school make a promise of having a reunion at the end of their senior year but seem to drift apart for better or, most likely, for worse. On Sale from HarperTeen on September 1st. ———— 2. Everything Everything by Nicola Yoon This is the story of a girl who has a very rare allergy that prevents her from ever walking outside her house and how she falls in love with her new next door neighbor Ollie. On Sale from Delacorte Books for Young Readers on September…

Pinch, Punch For The First Of The Month

Charlotte Hoather Looking Forward To The Start Of My Final Year Tomorrow will be the first of September 2015 and for me signifies the beginning of my final undergraduate year here at the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland. The last three years have been a whirlwind of exciting experiences, technical discoveries and personal development. Though I have learnt so much from the fantastic teachers that have coached me I know that this is just the beginning, as they have also ignited within me the desire to explore this fantastic art, this wondrous world of opera that so captivates me. Looking Back To When I First Joined The RCS I have so much to do in the coming weeks from preparing my application for a Master’s degree, to carefully selecting my audition repertoire and managing my concert and recital bookings for the coming year. Looking back over the last three years I remember my… View original post 167 more words

August Wrap-Up | September TBR

Originally posted on Devouring Fictions:
Unfortunately, August has come to an end and school is around the corner. This month, I barely had the time to read. I had a long list of TBR books for August and I’m going to be honest and say I didn’t get to any of them. However, I did get the chance to read two books and I talk about them a lot on here so, no surprise  they are: 4 stars: 3 Stars: Book that I started, but never finished (hopefully I will):  Since my August reading was terrible, I plan on reading more books in September to help me relax from school work and help keep me busy. Hopefully, I will have the chance to read all the books on my September TBR list and I warn you it isn’t a lot so I won’t stress myself out. September TBR list: Speechless by Hannah Harrington Saint Anything by Sarah Dessen Everything, Everything by Nicola Yoon Have you read any of these books?