All posts filed under: sailing

Windy City Sailing

Originally posted on for the love of nike:
You know how using a 35mm camera is a beautiful almost-lost art form these days? After sailing around Lake Michigan last Friday, it made me think that sailing is the 35mm of boat rides. Sailing, in its most primitive form, has been around since around 5000 BCE. It provided a wealth of food and closed large distances in a earth shrinking way. Now, it mainly serves as pastime. It’s so interesting how once revolutionary technologies transition into a cool hobby. I’ll tell you what though, it sure is beautiful to be out there in the water and feel the wind swell (especially with a beer in hand). Nothing like using a digital camera on the 35mm of boat rides. Take a look at my favorite Nike flip flops– great for summer things! Keep your eye on groupon deals for sailing charters in Chicago.