All posts filed under: racism

Dealing with Race Relations as a Millennial: Why I appreciate the University of Oklahoma SAE video

Time and time again,  many people of color millennials have had to argue why we are not in a post-racial America. Granted, there are a few obvious occurrences, like racial profiling followed by police brutality, yet there are many that go unnoticed. Many of which take place on college campuses and in the work place. Let me make one thing clear, the statement that we are in a post-racial America has not only come from members of the majority, but also those that fall under the minority. I have heard this largely from elder people of color who feel that “my generation has no struggle.” This brings me to why I appreciate the SAE video. Numerous co-workers (including those of color) were surprised to see such behavior from a young generation. There are a variety of racial events that occurred on my college campus within the past five years (mind you, I’ve been an alum for one). One of these events involving a group of white males trying to hit a black female with their truck. Luckily …