All posts filed under: shopaholic

How to Control My Spending: Update

Originally posted on How To Get Things Done in 10 Ways:
A few weeks ago I posted about how I was going to get my spending under control. I had come up with a bunch of ideas that I thought would really help me. And the results are in…. They did help! I saved $600 during the month of August, compared to my average monthly spending! It was soooo exciting! But of course, I celebrated this with a trip to Starbucks, and Target. Yes, I broke down and went to the dreaded Target. Since I hadn’t been there in so long, there was a whole new season of everything out on the floor! Clothes, bags, shoes, decor, help, help, help. I went a little overboard with the celebrating, but I will definitely not be needing to go back to Target anytime soon. Like maybe for another two months. It felt really good to get that credit card bill and not have a heart attack by the amount I had put on it! Here is what I need…