All posts filed under: memories

Then v. Now: 5 Old “Websites” 90s Kids Will Remember

Bebo/Xanga Both were popular sites for young adults, girls especially, in the early/mid 2000s. They were the perfect places to keep a “private” or public online journal, currently known as blogging.

Suzanna the Slapper – 3rd & 4th July 1998

Originally posted on If Destroyed Still True:
Friday 3rd We had today off school coz it’s an inset day so Rachael came to my house. We were phoning everyone to try and get them to come down to the village but we decided not to bother in the end coz it wasn’t fair on Emma coz she’d gone shopping. We rang Freddie and had a short conversation with him and we also rang Ralph. I was on for quite a while to him. I apologised again for last night and he said he wanted to ask me something but he wouldn’t tell me over the phone. I told him I still liked him and that I wouldn’t never go out with him. That didn’t seem to help matters and he said he was just getting depressed again. Later on we phoned Graham Baxter. Rach really wanted someone else to do it coz she fancies him and was embarrassed but I wouldn’t. She ended up asking him if he wanted to come to the cinema next…

I might never get married. Who knows?! – 20th April 1998

Originally posted on If Destroyed Still True:
Monday 20thP. [Period.] It’s scary how fast time seems to be going at the moment. It hardly seems any time at all since I first started school in Year 7 and now I’m in Year 10 and more than half way through. It seems ages away until my major GCSE exams but everything is going so quickly. Back at school today. Back to normal. Normal shouldn’t be being at school but term time is the way it is more than anything else and it’s the routine I’ve got used to. I’d rather we had more holidays, even with the boring bits. That’s one advantage about school – I never seem to get bored. I mean, I don’t like some of the lessons much but I’m always doing something. Then at lunch and break I can catch up on all the gossip or watch Ralph and co playing sad little ball games on the tennis courts. I suppose if we didn’t have school then I would never have known…

My Top Ten Bucketlist Moments

Originally posted on The Wanderlust Times:
I owe some of my most treasured memories to travel. Theres a reason I’m so obsessed with seeing the world, and I smile every time I look back at these moments in particular. I was most likely thinking something along the lines of “I love my life” at the time. Cycling over the Golden Gate Bridge Thoughts when cycling over the bridge: “Wow, it’s really windy. And cold… isn’t it supposed to be summer? There are more people on this bridge than cars. Stay on your side pedestrians!” Thoughts when having to get up the hill to this view point: “I can’t cycle up that thing. I’m going to try…. Ok I’m walking the bike up.” But it was worth every second. With beautiful views of the city whilst going over the bridge and once up this hill, there were even better views. On that day I grew a strong appreciation for humanity and the beautiful things we create. Here’s a list of some of the best places to view the bridge.…

Have the holidays become too stressful?

Originally posted on Michelle Leigh Writes:
The holiday season is in full gear. As we have already passed Halloween, and Thanksgiving. Christmas is just around the corner. And I have to say that I’m still slightly in disbelief at how quickly its come, yet again. As I get older, I’ve realized something. Time speeds by, each year it gets quicker and quicker. Everything becomes stressful and timed, and we make it more commercial then spiritual and magical like it should be. I remember when I was a kid, I used to get so excited when Christmas was near. It was my favorite time of year. I remember decorating the tree with my family and playing Christmas songs as early as October, sometimes even in the summer time because I was just so infatuated. Now it seems as though no one has time for anything anymore. No time to decorate, or shop, or be festive. Everything is like warp speed and before we even get to Thanksgiving they are already shoving Christmas down our throats. Stores commercialize…