All posts filed under: musings


Originally posted on Maggie Grace:
I was a little late to get my driver’s license, waiting until the summer before college. A mean instructor the previous December had made me cry and I avoided driving lessons for months until I realized there wouldn’t really be a better time to do this. I had spent the last two years of high school taking the bus home from school and being driven around town by my friends. I love the passenger seat of a car. All those used Honda Civics and Toyota RAV4s  (and one 1992 BMW) blend together now, but I loved the sound of a car pulling into my parents drive way. I loved climbing into the passenger seat as my friend shoved all her bags and receipts and water bottles into the back to make room for me. I loved not worrying about whether we were taking the fastest route or whether there would be a good parking spot close to Panera. Eventually I got my license and brought my grandfather’s old Chevy Prizm…

Age Doesn’t Matter, Maturity Does

Originally posted on Rosie Culture:
Even when I was immature I think I was more mature than most people my age. When I was younger I dated someone older than me and I thought that I would continue that pattern because guys my age or younger just seemed sooo immature. Your age and your maturity level don’t always correlate. People say girls mature faster than boys, which may be true, but really everyone is different based on their life experiences. Age differences don’t really matter. You can connect to someone 50 years older than you or 20 years younger than you. Dating someone younger or older than you really just depends on the maturity level. Some people are a couple years ahead on their maturity level and some people are a couple years behind. Both are completely fine. If you’re 23 and feel that you’re as mature as a 33 year old – that’s completely fine. And you could easily have a happy relationship with someone ten years older than you. But they would also…

I’m Not Sold On Relationships

Originally posted on Rosie Culture:
I’m not sold on relationships. I’m not sold on the idea of only being with one person for the rest of your life. Because I’m only in my 20’s and feel like I’ve been 10 different people already. How can someone tolerate that much growth in their self, let alone someone else? Plus all I’ve seen is the divorce rate sky-rocket. I’m not sold on fairytale romances where you meet “the one.” There are SO many people in the world and we’re only exposed to a small portion, even with the Internet. What are the chances you met “the one” at college in your home state? I’m not sold on dedicating your life to someone else. I don’t think it’s a bad thing to be a little selfish, but in a relationship you shouldn’t be selfish at all. I’m not sold on the dynamic most relationships adapt. Just settling into the first thing that comes your way, changing your dreams for someone else. You had plans to move out of…

Thoughts About Rejections

Originally posted on Lola By The Bay:
How do you deal with a rejection? What effect does it have on you emotionally and how do you go about with proceeding forward from it? This is a topic that I’ve been meaning to discuss for a while, and after the events that have happened in my life over the past few days, now feels like the right time to finally touch on the subject. Rejection comes in several forms, and it’s something that can never be truly avoided by  anyone, but for the sake of the matter, I want to focus in on the rejections received as a creative person… and/or as a Millennial; for these are the rejections that follow along the “make or break” kind of deal. Rejections in the Creative Life Anyone who is a creative person- regardless of whether you’re a writer, a visual artist, an actor, singer, dancer, and so on- already knows that there are bounds of rejections to be faced and have yet to be faced. With so many…

Sunrise or Sunset?

Originally posted on Confessions of a 20-something:
Well, well, well, here you are again, reader. Did you come back because I said in my last post that I would be starting the writing prompts from 300 Writing Prompts? No? Well… That’s awkward… We’re just going to keep moving on here. For those of you who are just here by coincidence, here’s the short of it all. I bought a book of 300 writing prompts and I am trying to convince myself that I can make a powerful piece of writing out of all of them. And then I had a delusion that my readers would hold me accountable for all 300 of them. We’ll see. Anyways, after flipping through the book, the first one I chose to write about was this question: Which do you prefer, sunrise or sunset?  I am a Colorado native, our sunsets and sunrises are breathtaking. If I didn’t get to see at least one of them everyday, I would end up being a very grumpy soul. That being said, nothing is…

Thursday nights, Paydays and Boobsweat

Originally posted on This, That and the Other Thang:
The older I get, the more I’ve come to the conclusion that things are a bit (okay, a lot. Things are A LOT different) than they were 10, even 5 years ago. I may still look like I’m pre-pubescent, and I will probably forever and always get carded for that PBR, but this whole adulting thang has changed the way I do, think and feel about certain things, things that 10, even 5 years ago had a mostly positive connotation to them whereas now, they just emulate a feeling of panic and overwhelming boobsweat. Here are just 24 things (words, actions and ideas) that can mean something totally different now that you’re full-on adulting. Payday Used to mean: Every other Friday, you’re gonna make it rainnnn in this club (or mall, or GameStop, whatever floats your pubescent boat). You worked hard after school and on weekends! You deserve it! Now means: The day when rent is due and you need to pay your bills, and maybe if you have any money left…

The Internet Is Making Us Lonely

Originally posted on Rosie Culture:
Likes, favorites, retweets, comments, and all those weird emotion things Facebook just added. We live for instant gratification. It’s not because we’re selfish, it’s because of the Internet. It’s because we not only have to look great in person but we also have to look great online. There is more than one impression to make and you never know when you are going to have to make it. You know when you’re going out to a bar to meet up with all your friends and look for cute guys. But, you never know when someone’s going to request you as a friend on Facebook or follow you on Insta. You could make a great first impression in person, but might totally bomb when your first impression online is break up quotes and pictures of wine. It always looks like everyone else is having so much fun. They add all of their vacation pictures to an album for the world to see. They Instagram the amazing brunch they’re having that Saturday…

My Type of Romance

As it was Valentines Day recently I have decided to write about relationships and my own experience with the crazy roller coaster world of love. This is a romantic story straight out of (certain) types of movies, TV shows and books, but trust me when I say it is not a fairy tale. When I was 18, I became involved with a man. This man seemed like he was straight out of a story. He was eight years my senior, which made him just the right age in my mind, and he reminded me of many of the characters I had learned to love over the years. But this was no fairy tale story. Not a romcom either. No. This man reflected the kind of relationships I was fascinated with at the time. When I was younger, I wasn’t interested in ‘normal’ on screen romances and soppy rom coms. I didn’t want a knight in shining armor, un-complicated, sweet, and ‘normal’ guy.  When I was younger, I was obsessed with phantom of the Opera. With the angst page of …