All posts filed under: virginity

Who You Were Before You Lost Your Innocence

Originally posted on Rosie Culture:
Losing your innocence is just a side effect of growing up. There’s no one certain thing that causes it. It doesn’t automatically go away when you turn 13 or when you lose your virginity or when you get dumped for the first time. It all varies from person to person, from age to age, from experience to experience. And it fades out slowly. When I was around 11 years old I asked my mom why everyone had cancer all of a sudden. She told me cancer has always been around, I was just realizing it now. That’s a very specific moment when I can remember something changing inside of my brain. Looking back now, can you really pinpoint the moment you stopped being naive and started getting real? Probably not. You have to reach the point in your life when you look back and realize you’ve changed. Because change isn’t something you see until you’re so different you don’t recognize yourself anymore. Your old memories barely belong to you. I’m…

Goodbye Virginity, Hello Crutches

Originally posted on the hoe handbook:
Hospital Bills: $500 Cast and Crutches: $45 Losing My Virginity After Breaking My Foot: PRICELESS “Come over” Yes guys I got the text. My hot, senior, football playing, frat star, hookup buddy texted me and I was more than stoked to go over. I hadn’t seen him in months and after a summer of dirty snapchatting eachother I was in hella need of some sexy times. I practically flew to his apartment. When I got there we continued our routine of him giving me something to sleep in and then heading downstairs to “watch Netflix”. That’s when tragedy struck. As I walked down the steps, my natural clumsiness and slight inebriation caused me to slip and fall (or as Hookup Buddy describes it “dive”) down half the flight of stairs. Luckily, he caught me at the bottom before I slammed my head into the front door, but his saving catch did not save my foot from slamming into the steps. At this moment in time I proceeded to laugh…