All posts filed under: Drink

Tea Time.

Originally posted on Ordinary Adventures:
What could be better than a chilly, rainy, autumn morning, with a steaming cup of tea in hand? Nothing, that’s what. Okay, maybe I can think of a few things, like a millions dollars, a herd of ponies, endless bruschetta… But a dreary morning being warmed up by a favorite tea is still pretty amazing. Since I stopped drinking soda this month, I’ve been looking for healthier, still delicious alternatives beverage wise. Going through a gallon of juice can get expensive, especially with how quickly it disappears. I never was a coffee drinker, and I’ve had to let go of my all time favorite drink, Red Bull. I will admit that I have been much better off without Red Bull, and I know in the long run less/no soda is great too. But I have to admit, water can get a little tedious after a month. So I decided to pick up drinking a little bit more tea. From time to time, I’ve been brewing up my old favorites and…