All posts filed under: gamers

Video games are the epitomes of storytelling

Originally posted on [ archives ]:
Ever since I can remember, I’ve always been interested in video games. When I was younger, I remember my parents telling me that I shouldn’t play that much video games because: It kills your brain cells You’ll end up not doing anything with your life It’s not very beneficial to you Well I don’t blame them for saying stuff like that because I would most definitely be hooked on a screen for countless of hours if they didn’t and probably wouldn’t be where I am today…. in front a screen for countless of hours..(Thanks mom and dad LOL). I agree some games are like this *ehem* Postal 2 *ehem* BUT(emphasis on the but) not all of them are. Actually, most games now are the total opposites of this common misconception but one genre of video games really stood out for me and that is….*drum rolls *tambourine rings |Story based Video Games| What is that you may ask?! Well the title is pretty self explanatory.. Video Games that are based on stories.. or Interactive stories.. whichever floats your…

The Gamers Will Save Us

Originally posted on couldreads:
For more than five years—basically since I started living alone—there is a set window of time during which I can watch horror movies: 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on weekends, and during the week never (unless I feel like some Freddy Krueger before breakfast). Because even as I settle into the throes of adulthood, I am still easily scared. I hate peeking under my bed, or behind the shower curtain, and closing my mirrored medicine cabinet still makes my heart flutter. All of which I credit to a childhood spent watching wildly inappropriate B horror movies rented from the kind of video store that had an adult section. When Scream and I Know What You Did Last Summer brought the horror genre back into the mainstream in the late ‘9os, I didn’t know whether to be more excited about my favorite genre’s budding popularity, or Skeet Ulrich. Scream creator Wes Craven’s death this week is no small loss for scary cinema, and has me reflecting on what it was about Scream that catapulted a silly slasher flick…