All posts tagged: bloggers

70 Blog Post Ideas

Originally posted on The Life of Kristyn:
Hey Everyone! It happens from time-to-time where we will get a writer’s block/creative block. It has happened to me many times and I thought I would share post ideas with you to get those creative juices working 😉 Most of these ideas are going to be beauty related with some lifestyle added in. As always, if you have an idea to add, leave a comment down below. Your skincare routine for morning and night. What products have you recently purchased? Product Reviews What products have you tried lately that you loved? What products have you tried lately that you hated? What’s in your makeup bag? Your everyday makeup routine What new products aren’t worth the hype? Clothing Haul Travel Essentials Monthly favourites Favourite scents for the season Brands you want to try Brands you want to stop buying from Book Haul Makeup Haul Favorite skin care products Makeup wishlist What new makeup products are you looking forward to? Holy grail products “30 before 30” bucket list (I am…

What is G.U.M?

G.U.M is a company geared towards bringing the millennial community together through the common love of 80s & 90s nostalgia and our never-ending battle with adulthood. From quarter life crises to unconventional career paths (YouTubing, Blogging, etc.) we aim to foster an environment of support, positive interactions, and collaborations. In a nutshell… We are the twenty-somethings and (early) thirty-somethings that realized no one prepared us for adulthood. The ones who don’t want to spend the next 40+ years sitting through a 9 to 5 job that we hate.The ones that are settling down and starting families AND the ones who are watching and are far from ready. The ones that are eager to be self employed, have money that makes itself, travel the world, be fit, and in style.The ones that are last to remember a life that wasn’t tech heavy and first to grow up with ever-evolving technology. The ones who strive to figure out the secret to work-life-balance and “having our shit together.” We are the ones that hate the negative connotation older generations associate …

Cookies + Sangria | Traci Doromal & Molly Dougherty

We met in high school, thanks to the alphabetizing system teachers have been using since the 1800s to seat kids in their desks for homeroom. We’ve always found the same things were funny, and in 2013 we started Cookies + Sangria hoping that other people had the same sensibilities. Now we live on opposite sides of the country and – just like passing notes in homeroom back in 2002 – we use the blog to share the things we think are funny with each other and our internet friends.

Traveluxblog | Moritz & Sabrina

We’re both students and “suffer” from chronic wanderlust. Thus, we travel passionately as often as we can – mostly on weekends, but also during university vacations. We change hotels in each city every night so that we can see and experience as much as possible. We are more the adventurous type, so real beach vacations are pretty much nonexistent. But not adventurous enough to relinquish Wi-Fi during our travels, as we want to share our impressions of hotels or cities as fast as we can on our blog! While we do not prefer just metropolises or just small villages, but a good mix of everything, we usually stay at five star properties.

One Lovely Blog Award

A little while ago we were nominated by the oh so kind Fandom Addict for the One Lovely Blog Award. I’m not entirely sure what to call our site. However, I wasn’t willing to pass up the opportunity to spotlight other bloggers.  How the award works: Thank the person who nominated you and include a link to their blog (Happily) List the rules and display the award Add 7 facts about yourself Nominate 15 other bloggers and comment on one of their posts to let them know they’ve been nominated First, thank you again to Fandom Addict for the nomination. 7 FACTS ABOUT ME I created G.U.M (this site) after finding it difficult to find, and connect to, other millennial bloggers. I work in the TV industry. I hail from the great state of North Carolina (go heels!). I collect 5 different things. I recently cut back from 8. I’m an ambivert and anti-hipster. I absolutely cannot stand the taste of peanut butter. I have the same birthday as the Dark Lord (I was a bit upset when I …

Things that make me happy Part 3 | Disney

Originally posted on LucieLeannexo:
I’ve been really struggling for ideas for lifestyle posts recently, but whilst watching some Disney World vlogs I had a sudden realisation I hadn’t posted about Disney at all really on my blog yet! I’m sure this is the same for most of you, but for me Disney really just symbolises my childhood and family memories in a nutshell. My brother and I were very lucky as my parents always took us to the cinema to watch the Disney films. They also took us on a few family holidays to Disney World in Florida, and Disneyland Paris – of which I have very fond memories. My brother and me, in Disney World back in good old days! In general Disney is one of those things that when I’m feeling sad or fed up, watching a Disney movie will always cheer me up. There’s nothing better than snuggling up to watch a Disney film in my onesie with a hot chocolate. I love the Disney classics but I’ve also learned to love…

How I’m Coping with Blogging Burnout.

Originally posted on Ordinary Adventures:
I keep feeling like Ordinary Adventures has been one big stutter for the past few weeks. I keep hesitating with my ideas, my blog posts aren’t as crisp, I skipped a day, and a lot of it has been me sharing some personal struggles. I’ve felt like there is a scratch on the turn table and I keep rewinding to my previous step. I know?I’m still ahead of the game in some areas, but that’s only because of how far I’ve pushed myself. And I’ve loved every minute, so I don’t want to stop now!?Although, I’m not going to be too hard on myself, my life has taken a complete 160 since summer ended, but I long to keep moving forward with my blogging journey. My life has become a whirlwind, I have a whole new schedule, I keep dreaming of lofty goals, but nothing is coming out of my keyboard. I’m tired, honestly. I’ve changed my sleep schedule, my work hours have changed, I’m more exhausted then ever before,…