All posts tagged: challenge

My Daily Bread // Family Chili Recipe.

Originally posted on Ordinary Adventures:
It’s that time of year. Your Christmas tree is probably up, most of the Thanksgiving leftovers have been eaten through, and possibly, there’s a little bit of snow on the ground. For me, two of those things are true,?still no snow days for me yet! But even if none of those things are true, you cannot go wrong with chili. If I thought my last time in the kitchen was bad, then this time is in a category all it’s own. I have to admit, getting the hang of cooking is much harder than it looks! Getting all the right ingredients, preparing the food successfully, everything running smoothly, at the same/correct time, and then coming out deliciously? Much harder said then done. But, I learn something new every time. This time around I found out just how important it is to have simple recipes when you don’t cook often. One reason is, you will waste a ton of money on random ingredients that will end up going bad before you…

S.T.A.R.T. Before You’re Ready.

Originally posted on CHASITY S. COOPER:
November was quite the whirlwind for me both professionally and personally, but I wanted to drop a note of reflection as we into the last month of the year.  Have you ever wanted to start something new (let’s in this case, say a blog) but continued to come up with excuses as to why you aren’t able to launch it? “I just don’t have enough time to write a blog post every day.” “What am I going to write about? And who will want to read it?” “I want my post to be perfect before I hit publish – I must keep editing!”   The truth is, while we were busy asking ourselves 21 questions, making statements and assuming, we could’ve published at least one or two posts, created a content calendar for the next two months and put throwback content in rotation on social media. Last month specifically, I spent most of my time getting back into the groove of working full-time and managing my various passion projects. And…

recovering from an ED || a beautiful journey of various volumes

Originally posted on she be kale-in' it:
? “recovery is not a destination where one day you will wake up and feel fixed but rather it’s a slow mending process that follows an imperfect line where progress is made over time. along the way your eating disorder will make it’s presence known as it fluctuates between being very quiet or very loud. use this as reassurance that you are healing by the mere fact that you are aware of the sounds it makes and in charge of the volume. “ ? finding this quote from Tina Klaus of Don’t Live Small?was a sign from the universe, i swear. i have read it multiple times knowing how much i must?remember that my eating disorder may flare+ fluctuate, but i remain in charge of the internal volume. i remain in recovery. so i’m being a bit more candid in this post, less about tasty healthy treats?+ more about what i have experienced as well as continue to live with. i’m curious who else had a difficult time…

How I’m Coping with Blogging Burnout.

Originally posted on Ordinary Adventures:
I keep feeling like Ordinary Adventures has been one big stutter for the past few weeks. I keep hesitating with my ideas, my blog posts aren’t as crisp, I skipped a day, and a lot of it has been me sharing some personal struggles. I’ve felt like there is a scratch on the turn table and I keep rewinding to my previous step. I know?I’m still ahead of the game in some areas, but that’s only because of how far I’ve pushed myself. And I’ve loved every minute, so I don’t want to stop now!?Although, I’m not going to be too hard on myself, my life has taken a complete 160 since summer ended, but I long to keep moving forward with my blogging journey. My life has become a whirlwind, I have a whole new schedule, I keep dreaming of lofty goals, but nothing is coming out of my keyboard. I’m tired, honestly. I’ve changed my sleep schedule, my work hours have changed, I’m more exhausted then ever before,…

Nice Guys Don’t Always Finish Last

Originally posted on Rosie Culture:
“Nice guys finish last.” Why do I always hear that? There is some sort of stereotype in the world that says girls like to be treated like dirt, so they intentionally find the guys that are going to hurt them and ignore all of those wonderful ‘nice guys’ who are pining for them. First of all: no one in the world wants to be treated poorly. Not girls, not guys – at least, not on purpose. A girl won’t ignore you, not date you, or friendzone you just because you’re nice.  There are other factors involved such as: she doesn’t think you’re attractive, you act too much like a friend, you don’t have any sort of challenge or spark to you.  This isn’t personal – we’re all attracted to different types of people and you’re just not that person’s type. Of course we want someone who is going to be nice to us.  But we don’t want someone who reminds us of our brother. Protective is great, but family-like is not.…

Day 39: Upper Back Pain and Continual Headache

Originally posted on Mission Trimpossible:
For the second night in a row, I passed out on my futon. When I woke up, my neck was killing me. 12 hours later, it’s still bothering me. In fact, it’s so sore that I’d willingly drop $70-$100 for a professional massage. I tried a hot shower, I tried yoga, I even tried neck massages. They helped a little, but my entire neck is still full of knots. I tried a variation of yoga videos today. I was having a hard time getting into them. This Yoga for Neck Relief was interesting, but I couldn’t relax. It was a “silent” yoga theme, so i had to constantly stop and look at the video to find out what I was doing next. It was a bit of a disappointment. I started the yoga for headaches video, but my allergies were having none of it. Finally I settled on this yoga for upper back video. It did help somewhat, but didn’t focus exclusively on my neck. I probably should have just…

The Importance of Knowing Your Blog’s Genre.

Originally posted on Ordinary Adventures:
Hello there readers! Ever since my Q&A last week, this topic has been racing through my mind. I was planning on publishing this idea quite some time ago, but I wanted to buckle down and really put the effort and consideration in that this post deserves. One reoccurring question I ran into a lot last week was bloggers asking for ideas to better their own blogs. I loved this, because I got to check out some lovely blogs and it was fun going through my own knowledge and creating ideas of how I could actually help. I wish I could do that everyday, but it’s extremely time consuming. I truly try my best to scour and look into all the site’s details and give the best advice I can concoct. As I was combing through those blogs though, I realized one major hiccup in my plan to help. Not every blog that asked for my review was a lifestyle blog! Which by the way, is awesome. I’m thrilled that blogs from all different genres and themes have…