advice, blogger, gen y, generation y, Lifestyle, Millennial, Tips
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The Importance of Knowing Your Blog’s Genre.

Ordinary Adventures

Hello there readers!

Ever since my Q&A last week, this topic has been racing through my mind. I was planning on publishing this idea quite some time ago, but I wanted to buckle down and really put the effort and consideration in that this post deserves.

One reoccurring question I ran into a lot last week was bloggers asking for ideas to better their own blogs. I loved this, because I got to check out some lovely blogs and it was fun going through my own knowledge and creating ideas of how I could actually help. I wish I could do that everyday, but it’s extremely time consuming. I truly try my best to scour and look into all the site’s details and give the best advice I can concoct.

As I was combing through those blogs though, I realized one major hiccup in my plan to help. Not every blog that asked…

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