Month: March 2014

No. Because Senioritis.

I’M IN MY FINAL SEMESTER OF MY COLLEGE CAREEEEEER! If you’re a senior too, you understand my sentiment. Right now people are either really ecstatic, super anxious, or some-level-of depressed. I am somewhere in between ecstatic and anxious. I’m anstatic (<– I tried). Though I am proud to say I will be graduating this spring (which was never a question), I am doing quite a bit prepare for post-grad life. For starters, I am networking like crazy and I’ve done a lot of research on different companies in California (where I am moving to).  I am also gathering information about housing, talking to alumni, finding prices to ship items and switch my car over, and so forth. I am also working on three film projects, managing the PR and production department of our film society, and interning for a production company that is close by. I will completely admit, I am a busy body, but I love every minute of it. I need it. With all of the things listed above, I still find myself …